Study Skills & Test Prep Books
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Study Skills & Test Prep Books
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GMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep to help you rock the new GMAT GMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is the fastest way to prep for test-day success on the notoriously difficult MBA grad school admissions exam. Calm your jitters with an overview of test content, know what to expect on the day of the exam, and take a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. You’ll get the full rundown on the brand new GMAT Focus test, too. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. Then, the night before the test, review tips and reminders to make test day a breeze. Let this Dummies Quick Prep program put you on the fast track toward a calm and confident GMAT exam day. Know what to expect on the GMAT exam, including the content and test format Work through example questions for writing, quantitative, verbal, reading, and analytical skills Reinforce what you know with a short sample test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the business school you want with a great score on the GMATGMAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for future business and management students preparing to take the new GMAT Focus and looking for a fast, focused study guide.
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Digital SAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep to help you score you best on the new Digital SAT Digital SAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is the one-and-done study guide that will build your test-day confidence. Calm your jitters with an overview of test content, learn what to expect on the day of the exam, and take a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. You’ll get the full rundown on the brand new, 2-hour Digital SAT test, too. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. Before you walk through the test center doors, review the expert tips and tricks in this book to make test day a breeze. Let this Dummies 5-Hour Quick Prep program speed you along toward Digital SAT test-day success. Know what to expect on the Digital SAT exam, including the content and test format Work through example questions to prep for the critical reading, math, and writing test sections Take a short-form practice test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the college you want with a great score on the Digital SATDigital SAT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for high school students preparing to take the new Digital SAT and looking for a fast, focused study guide.
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GED Test 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Get familiar with the GED Test in just 5 hours of study time GED Test 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is for those who want a fast test prep option that will help calm test-day jitters. You'll get a basic overview of the GED and its structure, some sample questions, and a short-form practice test with answers and explanations. Everything you need, and nothing you don't. And it's all broken down for you into short, timed study blocks that you can tackle all at once or over several days. It couldn't be easier to brush up your knowledge and familiarize yourself with the exam ahead of test day. With this Dummies 5-Hour Quick Prep guide, you're well on your way to getting that GED under your belt. Get a basic summary of what you need to know to take the GED test Take a short set of practice questions for each section of the exam, plus one practice test Find tips for going into test day refreshed, confident, and ready Study smart with efficient study blocks that will help you prepare quickly If you don't want—or don't have time for—a long-form study guide, you'll love this fast, focused approach to prepping for the GED Test.
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ACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep that will help you sail through the ACT ACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies will calm your test-day jitters. Gain confidence with an overview of test content, what to expect on the day of the exam, and a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. When you’ve finished practicing, you’ll find a section full of tips and reminders that you can review the night before, so test day will be a breeze. You’ll be on the fast track to ACT success with this book. Know what to expect on the ACT exam, including the content and test format Work through ACT example questions for every subject covered on the test Check your knowledge with a short sample test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the college you want with a great score on the ACTACT 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for high schoolers preparing to take the ACT and looking for a fast, focused study guide that won’t take months to work through.
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GRE 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies
Fast, focused test prep to help you score your best on the GRE GRE 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is your ticket to confidence and success on test day. Calm your jitters with an overview of test content, learn what to expect on the day of the exam, and take a short-form practice test with detailed explanations of the answers. This one-of-a-kind study guide is broken down into study blocks that you can tackle in 5 hours - all at once or over a few days. When you’ve finished practicing and the test is nigh, this book still has your back, with expert tips and tricks to make test day a breeze. Let this Dummies 5-Hour Quick Prep program launch you toward GRE test-day success. Know what to expect on the GRE, including the content and test format Work through GRE example questions for every subject covered on the test Check your knowledge with a sample test that includes detailed answers Improve your chances of getting into the grad school you want with a great score on the GRE GRE 5-Hour Quick Prep For Dummies is perfect for future graduate students preparing to take the GRE and looking for a fast, focused study guide.
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GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies (GMAT Focus Edition): Book + 3 Practice Tests + 100 Flashcards Online
Get on the road to business school with comprehensive review and 3 practice tests GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies is a must-have to scoring your highest on the GMAT and earning your MBA. Updated for the new GMAT Focus Edition, this trusted guide will walk you through the basics of what’s on the test and give you test-taking strategies that will help you make the most of the available time. You’ll get a comprehensive review of all the GMAT content—data insights, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning. Then it’s time to practice, with flashcards and 3 full-length practice tests. Detailed study plans help you prep wisely, no matter how much time you have before test day. Grab this Dummies guide to master the GMAT! Create a targeted study plan with a diagnostic pre-assessment Take full-length practice GMAT tests so you’ll be ready for the real thing Maximize your chances of getting into the business school of your choice GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies will help you land a higher score on this important exam.
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Digital SAT Prep 2024 For Dummies
Get your (digital) SAT on, the easy way Digital SAT Prep 2024 For Dummies gives you all the practice you need (FOUR practice tests, to be specific, PLUS extra math practice) to take this oh-so-important test with confidence. We don't need to tell you that a high score on the SAT can put you on the road to admission at the school of your dreams and can even translate into scholarships that will help get you there. If you'll be taking the SAT this year, you need Digital SAT Prep 2024 For Dummies to make sure you knock it out of the park. Updated with everything you need to know about the new digital format, this book walks you through the ABCs of the SAT, so you'll know what to expect when you walk into the test. Is it better to guess randomly or skip questions you don't know? All your questions are answered inside. You'll roll into the test room ready to go, thanks to customizable study plans in this complete Dummies prep guide. Become an SAT whiz with full-length practice exams and extra practice questions Get the highest score you can and move your application to the top of the admissions committees' lists Refresh your math knowledge and boost your confidence on this much-feared test section Qualify for scholarships and keep your options open for your higher education Digital SAT Prep 2024 For Dummies is the must-have guide for anyone taking this year's test.
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SIE Exam: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies
A helpful and effective SIE test prep resource If you want a job in the Securities industry, the first step is to show your employer you’ve got what it takes. And to do that, you need a great score on the SIE Exam. You can maximize your chances of acing it on the first try with the latest SIE practice resource from your friends at For Dummies. SIE Exam: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies offers helpful and challenging practice questions, along with detailed, step-by-step answers and explanations, for anyone preparing for the Securities Industry Essentials exam. This useful study aid will help you banish test anxiety and get familiar with the format of the test questions. It also provides: Questions for every domain on the SIE exam Fully explained answers for every question so you can see where you went wrong (or right!) on each one The perfect companion for everyone preparing for the Securities Industry Essentials exam, SIE Exam: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies is a fast, efficient, and effective way to prep for the test.
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Series 7 Exam: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies
Prep for the Series 7 like a seasoned pro with this huge collection of practice questions and answer explanations Heads up, prospective Series 7 takers! Word is out that this popular exam’s latest update made it a lot tougher. But don’t sweat it. With the newly revised second edition of Series 7: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies you’ll get all the practice you need to maximize your chances of acing the test your first time around. This book shows you where your knowledge is strong and where you need work, letting you focus your efforts where they will make the most difference. Here’s what’s included: 1001 realistic and challenging practice questions with detailed answer explanations Coverage of every domain and competency tested on the exam New questions comprehensively aligned with the latest version of the Series 7 examA must-have study aid perfect for anyone ready to take their next step on the road to a new career in securities trading, Series 7: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies will help you banish test anxiety, improve your odds on the exam, and give you all the tools you need to succeed.
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ACT Prep 2024 For Dummies with Online Practice
The time to ACT is now ACT Prep 2024 For Dummies helps you ace the ACT and begin your post-high school journey on the right foot. Inside, find everything you need to know about what’s on the test, plus strategies for how to maximize your score. Power through the reading comprehension and English sections, solve all those equations, know your science stuff, and show college admissions committees what you’re really made of. This friendly Dummies guide walks you through all the crucial content in each subject area with easy-to-understand explanations, flashcards, and online practice tests. Create a study plan that works for you, week-by-week, so you’ll be ready when test day arrives. Test your knowledge on three full-length ACT practice tests Impress college admissions committees by scoring your highest Get a full math refresher so you can score your highest on this much-feared test section Qualify for scholarships and boost your chances of getting into your top choice schoolACT Prep 2024 For Dummies will help you boost your score on this critical exam.
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