Publishing is all about configuring the privacy settings that are most appropriate for your users and clicking Save during the upload process or by selecting a video on the YouTube Studio Video tab. For most channel managers, that means specifying one of the following:
- Private: Only you and people you choose can watch the video. You can manually send an invitation, or YouTube can send it to the email addresses you specify. Once you select Private, the Share Video Privately link appears. Click the link and enter the email addresses of your recipients. After you enter the addresses, click the "Notify via email" checkbox. When invitees get the invitation via email, they must log into their Google account to view the video.
- Unlisted: Anyone with the video link can watch the video. The difference between this setting and Private, is that anyone who has the link can share it with others.
- Public: The video will be available for anyone on YouTube that finds your video from the search engine, or stumbles upon it. When you choose this setting, you have the option to Set as instant Premiere, which means you and your viewers can watch it at the same time.
- Schedule: Choose this option and a dialog appears enabling you to set the date and time for when the video will be available on YouTube. When you schedule a video, you also have the option to set it as a Premiere.
Be sure to keep YouTube's copyright rules in mind, and follow them carefully. YouTube takes copyright infringement very seriously and there will be consequences if you violate the rules.
After you publish videos, you have the option to unpublish them or delete tone or more videos To accomplish either task, log into YouTube, click your avatar and then choose Your Channel from the drop-down menu. Click Your Videos to display the Channel content page, which lists all your videos starting with the most recently published.To unpublish a video:
- Double-click the video thumbnail. The Video Details page appears.
- In the Visibility section, click the down-pointing arrow to the right of current visibility state. The Visibility options appear.
- Open the Channel content page as outlined previously.
- Click the Options icon. It’s the three dots to the right of the video thumbnail.
- Choose Delete Forever from the drop-down menu, as shown in the Figure below. YouTube displays a warning dialog that this action is undoable.
- Click the checkbox to acknowledge that deletion is permanent can cannot be undone. Before you delete a video from YouTube, you have the option to download it.
- Click Delete Forever. Poof. The video disappears in a cloud of virtual smoke.

To delete multiple videos:
- Open the Channel content page as outlined previously.
- To select videos for deletion, click the check box to the left of any video you want to delete. You can select contiguous or non-contiguous videos.
- Click the More Actions link. A drop-down menu appears with the option to delete forever. If you choose one video, you also have the option to download the video.
- Choose Delete Forever. After choosing this option, YouTube displays a warning that you are about to delete (the dialog lists the number of videos you are about to delete) forever.
- Click the checkbox to acknowledge that deletion is permanent can cannot be undone. Your only other option is Cancel.
- Click Delete Forever. The videos are lost in cyberspace.