Vitamins & Supplements
Which vitamins should you be taking, and how much? Are amino acid suppelements really helpful? How can you identify deficiencies? And what about your kids? We've got answers.
Vitamins & Supplements Books

Vitamins & Supplements
Vitamin D For Dummies
Your plain-English guide to the many benefits of Vitamin D Vitamin D is in the news every day, as new tests and studies reveal encouraging information about its power in maintaining good health and preventing major illnesses. No longer thought to just play a role in calcium intake and bone growth, Vitamin D has a host of other functions in the body, playing a role in prevention of serious diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as boosting immunity, improving athletic performance, losing weight, and more. This hands-on, plain-English guide is perfect for anyone looking for helpful advice and information on the "nutrient of the decade." Coverage of how Vitamin D works, and how much is needed for disease prevention How and where to get sufficient amounts of the right kind of Vitamin D – from both your diet and nutritional supplements The best ways to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D If you're looking to learn more about the many benefits Vitamin D can have on you and your family, you'll find everything you need right here.
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Vitamins & Supplements
Vitamins For Dummies
“Christopher Hobbs and Elson Haas...take a complicated field and...make sense of it.” —Ron Lawrence, MD, PhD, Director, Council on Natural Nutrition Don’t forget to take your vitamins! It’s good advice. But everybody’s needs are different. Age, lifestyle, gender, ethnicity, diet, and habits all play a role in determining which vitamins and minerals you need more or less of in your diet. Like traffic lights, vitamins help regulate your body’ most basic functions at the cellular level. And just like those red, green and amber beacons, they must be synchronized—not too many or too few—to get you through your life’s journey in good shape. Now Vitamins For Dummies shows you how to have green lights all the way. Confused by vitamins? Mystified by minerals? Can’t tell the difference between gingko and ginseng? In this straight-talking guide, two experts cut through the confusion and help you: Get a handle on what each vitamin mineral and supplement does Create a personalized supplement program Understand the fine print on the labels Combat or prevent specific ailments Enhance memory, mood, and energy Slow the aging progress Drawing upon their years of experience in clinical practice as well as the latest scientific research into nutritional supplements, Chris Hobbs and Elson Haas, MD, tell you, in plain English, what you need to know to make informed decisions about which supplements you take. They cover: The ABCs of vitamins All about minerals Amino acids and proteins—the body’s building blocks The importance of fats and oils Common supplements for digestion Super-foods and other great supplements The top 40 herbal supplements As an added bonus, Vitamins For Dummies features a quick-reference, A-to-Z guide to treatments for 90 common complaints. From acne to motion sickness to varicose veins, the authors describe complete healing programs that include vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements and lifestyle changes. Your complete A-to-Zinc guide to vitamins, minerals, herbs and other nutritional supplements, Vitamins For Dummies is your ticket to good health and long life.
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