QuickBooks 2017 All-In-One For Dummies
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The Fonts & Numbers tab lets you change the font for selected pieces of QuickBooks report information. Use the Change Font For list box to select the bit of report information that you want to change.

The Fonts & Numbers tab of the Modify Report dialog box

After this selection, click the Change Font button to display a dialog box. The Column Labels dialog box appears, for example, when you indicate that you want to change the font for column labels. Use the Font combo box to select the font for the column labels. Use the Font Style combo box to select the font style for the column labels. Use the Size combo box to select the point size for the column labels.

The Column Labels version of the Change Font dialog box.

Optionally, use the Effects check boxes to add or remove special effects. Or get really crazy and use the Color drop-down list to select the color for the piece of report data. When you’re finished, verify that your font formatting choices look right by checking the Sample box; then click OK.

When you click OK to close the dialog box used to change a font, QuickBooks displays a message box, asking whether you want to change all the related fonts. If you do want to change the fonts — and you probably do — click Yes. Note that if you make some change that later turns out to be wrong, you can click the Revert button, which also appears on the Fonts & Numbers tab, to return to the default formatting for fonts and numbers.

The Show Negative Numbers area provides radio buttons and a check box that you can use to instruct QuickBooks to provide special formatting for negative values. Typically, QuickBooks shows negative values with a minus sign in front of the value.

Alternatively, you can tell QuickBooks to place parentheses around the negative values (select the In Parentheses radio button) or to display them with a trailing minus sign (select the With a Trailing Minus radio button). You can also use color to flag negative numbers (select the In Bright Red check box).

The Show All Numbers area provides three check boxes that you can use to clean up and simplify your report. If your business is large enough that your report values are very large, select the Divided by 1000 check box. In that case, QuickBooks divides all the report values by 1,000 to make them easier to read. If you select the Except Zero Amounts check box, QuickBooks simplifies your report by not showing zero values. Finally, if you select the Without Cents check box, QuickBooks shows only dollars, not cents.

If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by the amount of data being presented in a report, the Show All Numbers check boxes provide a handy way to get a somewhat-clearer view of the big picture.

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Stephen L. Nelson, MBA, CPA, is the bestselling author of more than 100 books on computer and business topics, including all the previous For Dummies books on Quicken.

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