Word 2016 enables you to print a range of pages, odd pages, even pages, or a hodgepodge combination of random pages from within your document. To print a range or group of pages, summon the Print screen: Press Ctrl+P.
On the Print screen, look for the Pages text box, illustrated here.

Here are some suggestions for what to type in that text box:
To print pages 3 through 5, type 3-5.
To print pages 1 through 7, type 1-7.
To print pages 2 and 6, type 2,6.
To print page 3, pages 5 through 9, pages 15 through 17, and page 19 (boy, that coffee went everywhere, didn't it?), type 3, 5-9, 15-17, 19.
Click the big Print button when you're ready to print. Only the pages you specify churn from the printer.
Leave the Pages box blank to print all pages in the document.