iPad & iPad Pro For Dummies
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You can print a web page you find on your iPad 2, using a wireless printer. Although the iPad 2 has a beautiful display, there are times when you might want to print a web page rather than just display it on-screen.

For example, you might want to print a web page with directions to a new restaurant so you can refer to it if needed when visiting the restaurant the first time.

You need to have a wireless printer that supports Apple’s AirPrint technology (Hewlett Packard is the only manufacturer that makes these at present), in order to print web content (or anything else, for that matter) on your iPad through its wireless connection.

  1. With Safari open and the site you want to print displayed, tap the Settings Menu icon.

    The Settings menu appears.

  2. Tap Print.

    The Printer Options dialog box appears.

  3. Tap Select Printer. In the list of printers that appears, tap the name of your wireless printer.

  4. Tap either the plus or minus button in the Copy field to adjust the number of copies to print.

  5. Tap Print to print the displayed page.

If you don’t have an AirPrint–compatible wireless printer, just e-mail a link to the web page to yourself, open the link on your computer, and print from there.

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