Beeswax candles are desirable; unlike paraffin, they don’t drip, don’t sputter, and don’t smoke, but they do burn a long time. You can make three basic types of candles from beeswax: rolled, dipped, and molded. Buy them in a gift store, and they’re fantastically expensive. But not when you make them yourself!
Making rolled beeswax candles
This type of candle is a breeze to make, and no special equipment is required. Thin sheets of craft beeswax are available from candlemaking suppliers. The sheets are embossed with a honeycomb pattern (like a sheet of foundation) and come in a huge variety of colors.
Purchasing this kind of craft wax probably is best, because it is tough to make without special expensive equipment. To make a rolled candle, place a length of candle wicking along one edge, and roll the sheet up like a jellyroll. Once you get the hang of it, you can easily manufacture several candles in less than a minute. Tie a pair up with a nice ribbon, and you have a great gift to take to your next dinner party.
Making dipped beeswax candles
This is a time-consuming process, but the end result is beautiful.
Melt beeswax in a tall container (the container can be placed in a hot water bath to keep the wax melted).
Tie a lead fishing weight to one end of wicking (to make it hang straight) and begin dipping.
Let each coat of wax cool before dipping again. The more you dip, the thicker the candle becomes.
With a little finesse, you can create an attractive taper to your dipped candles. You can even add color and scent (your candlemaking supplier sells what you need, including wicks, coloring dyes, and scents). Elegant!
Making molded beeswax candles
Candlemaking suppliers offer a huge variety of rubber or plastic molds for candlemaking, from conventional tapers to complex figurines. Just melt your beeswax, pour it into the mold (add color and scent if you want). Don’t forget the wick. Let it cool and remove the mold. Easy!