It’s a thoughtfully conceived concept, with all kinds of built-in features as standard offerings. But what’s really important about these hives is that they are very well insulated. They are made of durable food-grade, high-density plastic (HDPE). The hive’s double-walled sides and top are injected with polyurethane for effective insulation (kind of like one of those high-end picnic coolers). This results in an R-value of 6.93, which is at least six times the insulation quality of a conventional wooden Langstroth hive. The Apimaye insulation protects the colony in bitter cold and blistering hot weather conditions.
In addition, the hive has built-in adjustable openings on the bottom board, brood box, honey supers, feeders, and hive cover for ventilation and condensation control. Collectively, these are welcome insulation features, as they mean less work and less stress for the bees to keep their environment stable during temperature extremes. It also protects the bees from the extreme heat in tropical or hot climates. In return, this ensures a healthier, robust, productive colony with a higher incidence of successful overwintering.
Remember that honey bees living in the wild make their home in the hollow of a tree. The significant thickness of the tree provides far more insulation value than the 3/4-inch thickness of most commercial wooden beehives. So, a properly insulated hive creates a more natural and less stressful environment for a colony. Less stress means less susceptibility to illness.

Apimaye hives come fully assembled and are available in two color choices: tan or white. The ten frame hive bodies are available in both deep and medium sizes. A 7-frame version of this insulated hive is also available.
Like any hive you consider, there are some pros and cons. I’ll start with the good stuff:
- The hive comes completely assembled and ready to go.
- The hive has impressive insulation qualities, keeping the bees cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Your bees will be less stressed and use less energy trying to regulate the hive’s temperature, leading to stronger and healthier bees.
- All of the brood boxes and supers have handles and latches so all components can be locked together. No more need to worry about the wind blowing off your outer cover. Also a great feature should you need to move the hive.
- Because of the high-density plastic design, the hive never needs painting. The hive can be easily washed to remove any grime and dirt.
- The hive is waterproof and termite-proof. It will not warp or rot (like wooden hives do).
- The hive comes standard with the following accessories: queen excluder, screened bottom board with removable bottom tray, adjustable ventilation holes, pollen trap, built-in adjustable entrance reducer, mouse guard, top feeder (for both syrup and solid feeding), lock and latch handles, and two division/uniting boards.
And with the Apimaye hive comes a potential con: The initial cost is higher than some wooden hive setups. However with all those standard “extras,” the Apimaye could be considered comparable or even less than a typical wooden hive.
Here are the basics for the Apimaye insulated hive:- Capacity: Due to modular Langstroth design and interchangeable hive parts, you can add extra deep or medium supers as the colony grows and honey production increases. Capacity for the colony size and honey collection is virtually unlimited, as with any Langstroth style hive.
- Frames: The hive accommodates any standard Langstroth frames, either wood or plastic. Apimaye offers its own brand of plastic frames called “Pro Frames.” The frame’s pop-open clamshell design accommodates either pure wax or plastic foundations. There is no wiring or additional foundation support needed when using the Apimaye “Pro Frame” design.
- Universality: Langstroth-style hives are the most widely used in the world. Any standard Langstroth frames can be used in Apimaye hives. In addition, you can use any Langstroth wooden hive body or super with the Apimaye insulated hive (naturally, any wooden components you add will not have the same insulation qualities as the Apimaye hive).