Make a Commitment to Better Yourself

Let’s face it – New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken. But when you set manageable, bite-sized goals, chances are you can accomplish pretty much anything you set your mind to. This collection offers tips on everything from setting a realistic budget and organizing your finances to improving your well-being and learning the basics of a foreign language (de rein!).

Articles From Make a Commitment to Better Yourself

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13 results
13 results
French Greetings and Good-Byes

Article / Updated 05-30-2024

Knowing some common French greetings and good-byes will be indispensable when traveling in French-speaking countries. Saying hello and good-bye in French will quickly become second nature because you'll use them day in and day out with everyone you come a...

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Ordering at a Restaurant in Spanish

Article / Updated 09-07-2023

When you’re eating out at a Spanish-speaking restaurant, knowing some basic Spanish vocabulary can make the ordering process a little easier. Placing your order basically consists of two parts: ordering a beverage and ordering food. But first you need t...

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Mediterranean Lifestyle For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 04-13-2022

You may have heard of the Mediterranean diet and wondered if it was right for you. But the reason people in the Mediterranean region enjoy good health goes beyond the diet — it’s about their entire lifestyle. Knowing why the lifestyle is good for you ...

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Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 03-15-2022

Anxiety is the most common mental disorder, but it’s also one of the most treatable. Because anxiety can produce a wide range of symptoms, all sorts of techniques and therapies can be used to treat your anxious thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.

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Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 03-08-2022

Getting a handle on your personal finances can be tough. We’re constantly being urged to spend, spend, spend, while others encourage us to save, save, save! The good news is that you can create a healthy balance between the two. When you understand your...

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How to P-R-E-P-A-R-E for the Real Estate License Exam

Article / Updated 12-29-2021

Every teacher with whom you’ve ever taken a class has told you that the way to successfully pass an examination is to prepare for it. Maybe that’s all they said, leaving you hanging, or maybe they gave you a few hints. But here's a detailed plan for g...

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Budgeting First Steps: Separating Needs from Wants

Article / Updated 10-26-2021

After you determine your actual spendable income, you can focus on how that remaining money needs to be spent. The first step to creating a budget is to sort expenses into three categories: needs, wants, and luxury items. But how do you distinguish betwee...

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Credit Repair Kit For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 10-21-2021

Repairing your credit and keeping it in good standing is easier if you know what’s in your credit reports. Get a free copy of each of your credit reports every year and promptly correct any errors.Improving your credit also involves understanding how yo...

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Creating Files to Organize Tax Records

Article / Updated 10-20-2021

Throughout the year, you probably receive a lot of paperwork, some of which you should keep to prepare your tax return. And, you may need to keep other documents to substantiate prior-year tax reporting.Maintaining your documents in an organized fashion w...

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Meal Prep Cookbook For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 09-22-2021

When you’re on top of meal prep, you need to know how to keep your veggies fresh — having to run out to the store at the last minute is the opposite of prepared. Meal prep is all about making meals in advance, so you need to know how to use the freeze...

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