Psychology Books
Psychology is the study of the human mind and human behavior. Learn how psychologists help people overcome mental health challenges and make the best of their lives.
Psychology Books
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBT Workbook For Dummies
An effective skills-building resource for achieving real change with dialectical behavior therapy Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is the type of talk therapy with the most evidence-base for people who experience painful swings in emotions and volatile relationships. It is most commonly applied in the treatment borderline personality disorder who also experience suicidal thinking and behaviors and in recent years, therapists use it for other mental health conditions as well. With DBT, you can learn to regulate your emotions, tolerate distressing situations, improve your relationships, and apply mindfulness in your daily life. DBT Workbook For Dummies puts healing in your hands, giving you step-by-step exercises for learning these concepts and putting them to work. Great for patients, family members, and clinicians, this book is an essential resource for understanding emotions and behavior and then learning how to handle uncertainty when emotions and relationships are in flux. These clear and practical explanations and activities make it easy to move toward a new you. Learn the basic concepts of dialectical behavior therapy and apply them in your life Become more resilient by using coping skills that will help you achieve your goals Work through hands-on exercises that will help you navigate relationships, increase self-awareness, and overcome the impact of strong and painful emotions Manage mental health issues arising from intense emotions, poor self-esteem, and stressful situations Great on its own or paired with DBT For Dummies, this book will help patients, their family members, and DBT therapists in the search for concrete actions that promote thriving in the long term.
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Neurodiversity For Dummies
A quick and easy way to understand neurodiversity as written by neurodivergent people and our families Neurodiversity For Dummies is your essential guide in understanding neurodivergent conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. This quick and easy guide is perfect for anyone needing to know more about neurodiversity. And that’s all of us—because recent estimates say that 15-20% of the world’s population have some form of neurodivergence. Your life is filled with neurodivergent people that you know and love, whether you realize it yet or not. It’s time to learn to support and include the neurodivergent among us, and to understand how neurodiversity impacts society and the workplace. This is for the neurodivergent person wanting to thrive in life, for parents and caregivers seeking success for their child, and for teachers who are working to make a difference in their students’ lives. Filled with practical advice, Neurodiversity for Dummies also provides a helping hand to service providers, assistance for workplace managers and colleagues, and understanding for family members and friends. Imagine a world where we all understood ourselves better and appreciated more deeply the differences in others. No matter how your own brain thinks, Neurodiversity for Dummies is for you. Check out this jargon-free introduction for an essential overview. Explore the Spectrum of Neurodiversity: Understand in plain language the world of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurodivergent conditions. Unlock Hidden Talents: Move yourself beyond common myths and misconceptions to discover how neurodiversity actually works. Learn how neurodiversity has always been with us, why society needs neurodivergent traits, and how neurodiversity can be a wellspring of innovation, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking. Discover Yourself: Whether you are a neurodivergent person or not, learn how to understand your own normalcy, advocate for your needs, and build meaningful connections with those who think and experience the world differently than you. Change the World Around You: Be empowered through simple steps you can take to create inclusive environments for neurodivergent individuals in your school or workplace. Uncover proven strategies that cultivate a culture of acceptance and respect, where the unique perspectives of all individuals are valued and celebrated. We believe in providing parents with better supports, empowering individuals with information, and shaping a world where we are all seen and understood. With an author team composed of neurodivergent individuals and parents writing together, Neurodiversity for Dummies is an example of the power of neurodiversity when put into action. It’s why we wrote this for you. Don’t miss your chance to embark on this transformative journey. Order your copy of Neurodiversity for Dummies now to better understand yourself and others, and to join the movement that is revolutionizing how we understand and support the diversity of the human mind.
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Narcissism For Dummies
Recognize narcissists in your life and set healthy boundaries to start healing today Narcissism For Dummies pulls back the curtain on a growing and misunderstood personality. This book digs into dimensions of narcissism, grandiosity, malignancy, and vulnerability, giving you the knowledge and perspective you need to identify narcissists in your life and set limits on unacceptable behavior. It also takes a look at how society plays a part in fostering narcissism, for example through social media. You'll walk away from Narcissism For Dummies with a clearer sense of the personality trait, as well as necessary coping mechanisms and tools to deal with the narcissists in your life. Deal with narcissistic parents, bosses, coworkers, relatives, romantic partners, and beyond Discover tactics and exercises for identifying, disarming, and protecting yourself from narcissists Set limits, establish healthy boundaries, and rebuild your self-confidence Understand narcissistic personality in all its manifestations Anyone whose life has been touched by narcissism will find this book helpful, whether you're coming to terms with a loved one's diagnosis, dealing with a narcissist in the workplace, or working to move forward after leaving a narcissistic relationship.
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Sports Psychology For Dummies
Get your head in the game with this hands-on guide to the psychology of sport There's more to getting into the right headspace for the big game or event than trying to think like a winner. Modern sports psychologists emphasize advanced strategies like biofeedback and neurofeedback, while encouraging the use of mindfulness and other mental health techniques. In Sports Psychology For Dummies, 2nd Edition, a team of athletic performance experts and psychologists walks you through the mental side of intense competition and training. From the importance of focus to the tactics designed to restore and improve confidence after a loss, you'll explore ideas such as goal setting, self-perception, and self-talk. This book also covers: Personalized plans for athletic success Real-life examples of sports psychology changing the athletic experience in different sports The wide variety of careers available in the field of sports psychology and how to get started in them Ideal for athletes, parents of student athletes, and coaches looking for ways to improve performance both on and off the field, Sports Psychology For Dummies is also the perfect resource for anyone interested in a career in this rapidly growing and evolving field.
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Criminology For Dummies
Explore the world of crime and punishment Police, forensics, and detective stories dominate our TV screens and bookshelves—from fictional portrayals such as Silence of the Lambs and Law and Order to lurid accounts of real-life super-criminals like Pablo Escobar and Al Capone. As well as being horribly fascinating, knowledge of what makes criminals tick is crucial to governments, who spend billions of dollars each year trying to keep their people safe. Criminology brings disciplines like psychology, biology, and economics together to help police and society solve crimes—and to prevent them before they even happen. The new edition of Criminology For Dummies shines a light into the dark recesses of the criminal mind and goes behind-the-scenes with society’s response to crime, putting you right on the mean streets with cops and criminals alike. Along the way, you’ll learn everything a rookie needs to survive, including basic definitions of what a crime is and how it’s measured; common criminal motivations, thinking, and traits; elementary crime-solving techniques; the effects on and rights of victims; and more. Understand types of crime, from white-collar to organized to terror attacks Follow law-enforcement officials and agencies as they hunt the bad guys Meet key players in criminal justice and see how and why the guilty are punished Check out jobs in the field Whether you plan to enter the criminal justice field or just want to know more about what turns some people to the dark side—and how the thin blue line fights back—this is your perfect guide to criminology basics.
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DBT For Dummies
Keep calm, be skillful—and take control! Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one of the most popular—and most effective—treatments for mental health conditions that result from out-of-control emotions. Combining elements of Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Eastern mindfulness practice, DBT was initially used as a powerful treatment to address the suffering associated with borderline personality disorder. It has since proven to have positive effects on many other mental health conditions and is frequently found in non-clinical settings, such as schools. Whether you struggle with depression, anger, phobias, disordered eating, or want to have a better understanding of emotions and how to focus and calm your mind, DBT practice serves the needs of those facing anything from regular life challenges to severe psychological distress. Written in a no-jargon, friendly style by two of Harvard Medical School's finest, DBT For Dummies shows how DBT can teach new ways not just to reverse, but to actively take control of self-destructive behaviors and negative thought patterns, allowing you to transform a life of struggle into one full of promise and meaning. Used properly and persistently, the skills and strategies in this book will change your life: when you can better regulate emotions, interact effectively with people, deal with stressful situations, and use mindfulness on a daily basis, it's easier to appreciate what's good in yourself and the world, and then act accordingly. In reading this book, you will: Understand DBT theory Learn more adaptive ways to control your emotions Improve the quality of your relationships Deal better with uncertainty Many of life's problems are not insurmountable even if they appear to be. Life can get better, if you are willing to live it differently. Get DBT For Dummies and discover the proven methods that will let you take back control—and build a brighter, more capable, and promising future!
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Enneagram For Dummies
The Enneagram is a personality typing framework that helps individuals understand their particular ways of approaching the world. It’s used to gain personal insight and sometimes as a tool for understanding workplace interpersonal dynamics. Learn the nine Enneagram types, including your own, and how the framework is used to improve self-awareness, leadership skills, emotional intelligence, and more.
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Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies
Get to know the ins and outs of BPD—and make the choice to change! Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an extremely serious—and often seriously neglected—condition. Despite around 4 million diagnoses in the USA, BPD has attracted lower funding and levels of clinical concern than more "popular" conditions such as bipolar disorder. But there's no need to lose hope! Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies, 2nd Edition was written to bridge this gap and help sufferers learn how to break the cycle to lead a full and happy life. BPD impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others and can cause long-term patterns of disruptive relationships and difficulties with self-control. It often results from childhood abuse or neglect, as well as from genetic or brain abnormalities—particularly in areas of the brain that regulate emotion, impulsivity, and aggression. Knowing how it works means we know how to manage it, and Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies—written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style by two leading clinical psychologists—is packed with useful techniques to do just that: from identifying triggers to finding the right care provider. Get a compassionate, actionable understanding of the symptoms and history of BPD Acquire techniques to identify and halt damaging behaviors Evaluate providers and the latest therapies and treatments Set goals and habits to overcome problems step-by-step BPD should never be allowed to dictate anyone's existence. This reference gives you the tools to take your life back and is a must-have for sufferers and their loved ones alike.
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Psychology For Dummies
Find out what makes you—and everyone else—tick Psychology For Dummies takes you on the challenging and thrilling adventure into the astonishing science of why we do the things we do. Along the way you’ll find out how psychology helps us improve our relationships, make better decisions, be more effective in our careers, and avoid stress and mental illness in difficult times. In a friendly, jargon-free style, clinical psychologist and teacher Adam Cash uses practical examples to delve deep into the maze of the human mind: from the basic hardware, software, and "wetware" of our brains to the mysteries of consciousness and the murkier reaches of abnormal behavior. He also provides profound insights into our wants and needs, the differences between psychological approaches, and how positive psychology can help you lead the “good life” that fulfills you most. Gain insights into identity and the self Cope with stress and illness Maintain psychological health Make informed choices when seeking counseling Whether you’re new to the unconscious or an established devotee of Freud and pharmacology, Psychology For Dummies is your essential guide to the examined life—and what can make it even more worth living!
Explore Book Buy On AmazonCognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies
Retrain your thinking and your life with these simple, scientifically proven techniques! Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT for short, is often cited as the gold standard of psychotherapy. Its techniques allow you to identify the negative thought processes that hold you back and exchange them for new, productive ones that can change your life. CBT's popularity continues to grow, and more individuals are turning to CBT as a way to help develop a healthier, more productive outlook on life. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies shows you how you can easily incorporate the techniques of CBT into your day-to-day life and produce tangible results. You’ll learn how to take your negative thoughts to boot camp and retrain them, establishing new habits that tackle your toxic thoughts and retool your awareness, allowing you to be free of the weight of past negative thinking biases. Move on: Take a fresh look at your past and maybe even overcome it Mellow out: Relax yourself through techniques that reduce anger and stress Lighten up: Read practical advice on healthy attitudes for living and ways to nourish optimism Look again: Discover how to overcome low self-esteem and body image issues Whatever the issue, don’t let your negative thoughts have the last say—start developing your new outlook on life today with help from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies!
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