Other Software
No matter what you need done, you can bet there's an app or program that can help you do it better or faster. We've got tips for SPSS, Doodle, Dropbox, Smartsheet, Slack, and so much more.
Other Software Books

Other Software
SPSS Statistics Workbook For Dummies
Practice making sense of data with IBM’s SPSS Statistics software SPSS Statistics Workbook For Dummies gives you the practice you need to navigate the leading statistical software suite. Data management and analysis, advanced analytics, business intelligence—SPSS is a powerhouse of a research platform, and this book helps you master the fundamentals and analyze data more effectively. You’ll work through practice problems that help you understand the calculations you need to perform, complete predictive analyses, and produce informative graphs. This workbook gives you hands-on exercises to hone your statistical analysis skills with SPSS Statistics 28. Plus, explanations and insider tips help you navigate the software with ease. Practical and easy-to-understand, in classic Dummies style. Practice organizing, analyzing, and graphing data Learn to write, edit, and format SPSS syntax Explore the upgrades and features new to SPSS 28 Try your hand at advanced data analysis proceduresFor academics using SPSS for research, business analysts and market researchers looking to extract valuable insights from data, and anyone with a hankering for more stats practice.
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Canvas LMS For Dummies
Make digital learning effortless with Canvas The potential of digital learning is limitless. But implementing it in the real-world can sometimes be a challenge, especially when you have to learn the ins and outs of a new platform. So, why not choose a learning management system (LMS) that actually makes your life, and the lives of your students, easier? In Canvas For Dummies, a team of expert digital educators walks you through every important aspect of the hugely popular Canvas LMS. Written specifically for busy teachers hoping to make the most of the tools at their disposal, the book offers step-by-step instructions to design, build, and integrate a fully functional Canvas environment. From creating your first classroom home page to taking advantage of Canvas modules, you’ll learn how to use the platform to engage your students and improve their learning. Full of practical guidance and useful tips, this “how-to” handbook helps you: Navigate the creation of a blended learning environment and take advantage of the benefits of both in-person and online learning Manage collaborative environments and leverage Canvas modules to deliver a superior learning experience Integrate your Canvas modules with pre-existing, in-person material to create an intuitive environment This book is an absolute necessity for any educator or parent hoping to improve student outcomes with the powerful tools included in the Canvas LMS.
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SPSS Statistics For Dummies
The fun and friendly guide to mastering IBM’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Written by an author team with a combined 55 years of experience using SPSS, this updated guide takes the guesswork out of the subject and helps you get the most out of using the leader in predictive analysis. Covering the latest release and updates to SPSS 27.0, and including more than 150 pages of basic statistical theory, it helps you understand the mechanics behind the calculations, perform predictive analysis, produce informative graphs, and more. You’ll even dabble in programming as you expand SPSS functionality to suit your specific needs. Master the fundamental mechanics of SPSS Learn how to get data into and out of the program Graph and analyze your data more accurately and efficiently Program SPSS with Command Syntax Get ready to start handling data like a pro—with step-by-step instruction and expert advice!
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Slack For Dummies
You get so much more done when you Slack! Ever wondered what it would be like to be less overwhelmed, more efficient, and much more engaged at work? A way you can make all that happen is, of course, to Slack. Actually, it's to use Slack, the business communications platform that's revolutionized how groups work together. This comprehensive guide shows how--as well as why--there are now millions of users of this flexible, fun, and intuitive workspace tool. Presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style, Slack For Dummies takes you from the basics of getting started with the service all the way through how to get your teams Slacking together for all they're worth. You'll also find case studies showing how Slack increases productivity and how to replicate that in your organization, as well as tips on getting buy-in from the boss. Introduce Slack to your workflo wUnderstand roles and feature sAnalyze user dat aKeep your Slacking secure So, take a peek inside and discover how you can cut the slack using Slack--and clue your teams in on how there is actually a way to Slack off for improved results!
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QuarkXPress For Dummies
Take the kinks out of working with QuarkXPress QuarkXPress still remains one of the top tools for layout and design projects, even thirty years after it made its debut. This full-color, hands-on guide is here to help you take the guesswork out of using this powerful tool to create stunning print or digital designs. In QuarkXPress For Dummies, you'll find information on the latest changes to QuarkXPress, easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance on using the tools built into the software to aid in designing and outputting visual product, and quick solutions to common Quark problems when you get stuck. QuarkXPress dominated the page layout world for decades. It's stuck around thanks to how it readily adapts to customer needs. This new version contains updates and features driven solely by customer feedback. That responsiveness is luring new and former users to the fold. That resurgence in the design community has Quark users clamoring for an authoritative book on how to use it to its fullest. Created in partnership with the pros at Quark, this is the book for new and experienced QuarkXPress users looking to make sense of the latest version. Offers unbeatable tricks for working with text Provides guidance on managing larger design projects Includes tips on how to correct mistakes Take a tour of the palettes, add style to your work, and make QuarkXPress work for you!
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Dragon Professional Individual For Dummies
Stop typing and get more done with Dragon Professional Individual voice recognition software Tired of typing, but afraid to take the leap into voice recognition software? No problem! Dragon Professional Individual For Dummies, 5th Edition gives you a great overview of the industry-leading speech recognition software so you can start talking instead of typing in no time at all. With this easy-to-use guide, you'll quickly find out how to use Professional Individual to open documents, write emails and notes, update your Facebook status, and much more. The book includes everything you need to get started, from launching the software and basic dictating to controlling your desktop by voice, and tips for improving accuracy. Available for both Windows and Mac, Dragon Professional Individual is the gold standard for home and professional voice recognition software. Easy to use and much more efficient than typing, the software can take your productivity to the next level. Get an introduction to everything you'll need to know to get started with Dragon Professional Individual voice recognition software Find out how to access documents, write emails, and even update your Facebook status with nothing more than your voice Includes the most updated information on the latest version of the software Offers information for programmers and developers who want to use the software for mobile app development Dragon Professional Individual For Dummies, 5th Edition is your go-to resource to get up and running with this great voice recognition software in no time.
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Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies
Master the latest version of Nuance's Dragon NaturallySpeaking This new edition of Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies has been updated to cover all the newest updates to Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version 13, giving readers plain-English access to the technology that ignites new levels of productivity. It enables people to interact with and command their laptop or PC, cruise through email, update Facebook, surf the web, and create reports just by speaking! Inside, you'll find everything you need to get started with this advanced voice recognition software right away. Touted as being three times faster than typing, Dragon NaturallySpeaking software boasts 99% speech accuracy out of the box. Plus, although it is primarily used as voice recognition software, programmers and developers have begun using it as a programming language for app development because the voice recognition makes use of custom tools that can be used to automate programming tasks. It's making waves in the tech world—and you can get in on the action with this hands-on, friendly guide. Includes the most up-to-date information on the latest version of the software Shows you how to launch your Dragon software Includes time-and-sanity-saving tips to make your experience with Dragon NaturallySpeaking headache-free Outlines common mistakes to avoid and unprecedented Dragon tricks If you're a new or inexperienced user who wants to get up to date quickly on all that Dragon NaturallySpeaking can do, this approachable, step-by-step guide has you covered.
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Evernote For Dummies
Organize your life the simple, painless way with Evernote! Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small using your computer, smartphone, or the web. If you can see it or think of it, Evernote can help you remember it! Now you can type a text note, clip a web page, snap a photo, or grab a screenshot and Evernote will keep it all. Through Evernote, you can tap into a free suite of software and services designed to make note taking and archiving simple. Now you'll be able to easily capture any moment, idea, inspiration, or experience no matter what device or platform you are using. The Second Edition of this bestselling book is revised throughout to cover the latest features, updates, and enhancements made to Evernote! Follow the simple steps to quickly register and set up your Evernote account Discover how easy it is to move and organize notes Access all your information on your computer, the web, smartphone, tablet, or e-reader Explore Evernote's open scripting and explore how to be an Evernote developer Evernote For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the ideal reference to help you take control of your life and get organized with Evernote. This handy guide makes it a breeze use Evernote to store, organize, and access practically anything, everywhere.
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Moodle For Dummies
The fun and friendly guide to the world's most popular online learning management system Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, also known as Moodle, is an online learning management system that creates opportunities for rich interaction between educators and their audience. However, the market has been lacking a simple, easy-to-understand guide that covers all the essentials of Moodle?until now. Using straightforward language and an entertaining tone to decipher the intricate world of Moodle, this book provides you with the resources you need to take advantage of all the eLearning and eTraining possibilities that Moodle offers. Offers a hands-on approach to learning Moodle, the revolutionary online learning management system Uses simple language peppered with good humor to break down the complexities of Moodle into easily digested pieces of information Caters to the specific needs of teachers and business trainers by providing the resources they need Moodle For Dummies provides you with the tools you need to acquire a solid understanding of Moodle and start implementing it in your courses.
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Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies
A report is only useful if those who receive it understand what it means. Knowing how to use Crystal Reports gives you the edge in producing reports from your database that really are crystal clear. Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies is a quick and easy guide to get you going with the latest version of this bestselling report-writing software. In fact, it’s so popular that previous editions have made it a bestseller too. Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies gives you just what you should know to produce the reports you’ll need most often, including how to: Pull specific information from your database, sort and group it, and find the details you need Use dynamic or cascading prompts Troubleshoot and print reports and save time with templates View reports on your LAN Write formulas to retrieve specific information Create and update OLAP reports Format reports, control page breaks, and even add graphics or Flash files Enhance your reports with charts and maps Use Crystal Reports in the enterprise There’s also a companion Web site with sample reports from the book and links to sites with more related information. With Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies by your side, you’ll soon be able to create reports from simple to spectacular, whenever the need arises.
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