In Word 2016 you can perform a final document proof. It's an all-in-one spelling- and grammar-checking process, which is how spell check worked before it became an on-the-fly feature.
To perform all-at-once document proofing, follow these steps:
Click the Review tab.
In the Proofing group, click the Spelling & Grammar button.
Errors are shown one at a time as they occur in your document. You must deal with them sequentially.
Deal with the offense.
Depending on the offense, either the Spelling pane or Grammar pane appears. Options presented let you deal with each offense:
Ignore: Click this button to ignore the error once. You will be reminded of the same spelling error or similar grammatical errors again.
Ignore All: Use this button to direct Word to merrily skip the spelling error through the entire document.
Add: Use this button to thrust the word into the custom dictionary. It won't be flagged as incorrect ever again. Well, unless you edit the dictionary.
Change: For spelling boo-boos and grammatical flubs, click to select a correct option from the list presented and then click the Change button to replace the offending text.
Change All. For spelling errors only, click the correct word and then click Change All to replace all instances of your spelling mistake.
Continue checking your document.
Click the OK button once the checking is done.
You can easily enter a trancelike state while you're document proofing. You might find yourself clicking the Ignore button too quickly. Use the Undo command, Ctrl+Z. It lets you go back and change text that you may not have paid attention to.

Another way to sequentially peruse spelling and grammar errors is to use the Spelling and Grammar Check button on the status bar. To proof your document, click that button to hop from one spelling or grammar error to the next.
Word disables its on-the-fly proofing when your document grows larger than a certain size, say 100 pages. You'll see a warning message when this change happens. At that point, you must perform an all-at-once document check.