As an alternative to using the ribbon in Excel 2007, these shortcut keystrokes (Alt + hot key) get you moving quickly through basic spreadsheet editing functions.
Hot Keys | Excel Ribbon Command | Function |
Alt+HVP | Home | Paste | Paste | Pastes the currently cut or copied cell selection or graphic objects in the worksheet |
Alt+HX | Home | Cut | Cuts the cell selection or selected graphic objects out of the workbook and places them on the Windows Clipboard |
Alt+HC | Home | Copy | Copies the cell selection or selected graphic objects to the Windows Clipboard |
Alt+FP | Home | Format Painter | Activates the Format Painter |
Alt+FO | Home | Clipboard Dialog Box Launcher | Displays and hides the Clipboard task pane |
Alt+HII | Home | Insert | Insert Cells | Opens Insert dialog box so you can indicate the direction in which to shift existing cells to make room for the ones being inserted |
Alt+HIR | Home | Insert | Insert Sheet Rows | Inserts blank rows equal to the number of rows in the cell selection |
Alt+HIC | Home | Insert | Insert Sheet Columns | Inserts blank columns equal to the number of columns in the cell selection |
Alt+HIS | Home | Insert | Insert Sheet | Inserts a new worksheet in the workbook |
Alt+HDD | Home | Delete | Delete Cells | Opens Delete dialog box so you can indicate the direction in which to shift existing cells to replace the ones being deleted |
Alt+HDR | Home | Delete | Sheet Rows | Deletes rows equal to the number of rows in the cell selection |
Alt+HDC | Home | Delete | Sheet Columns | Deletes columns equal to the number of columns in the cell selection |
Alt+HDS | Home | Delete | Sheet | Deletes the current worksheet after warning you of data loss if the sheet contains cell entries |
Alt+HEA | Home | Clear | Clear All | Clears the contents, formatting, and comments from the cell selection |
Alt+HEF | Home | Clear | Clear Formats | Clears the formatting of the cell selection without removing the contents and comments |
Alt+HEC | Home | Clear | Clear Contents | Clears the contents of the cell selection without removing the formatting and comments |
Alt+HEM | Home | Clear | Clear Comments | Clears all comments in the cell selection without removing the formatting and contents |