iPad & iPad Pro For Dummies
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As with iPhone, iPad lets you organize apps in folders. With so many useful applications, it's practical to group similar apps together in folders so you can locate them easily. iPad comes with many built-in apps, but you can many more, such as ABC, Pandora, NPR, iBooks, Scrabble, Pages, Micromedex Drug Information, and AARP.

After you add a few apps, you'll quickly realize that you need to organize them somehow. You can organize apps together on any of iPad's eleven Home screens. You can also organize apps together on a folder, which is accessed through a single icon on a Home screen.

  1. Tap and hold an app.

    All the apps start jiggling.

  2. Drag an app on top of another app.


    A bar appears across the screen, showing the two apps and a file with a placeholder name.

  3. To change the name, tap in the field at the end of the placeholder name.

    The keyboard appears.

  4. Press the Delete key to delete the name and type one of your own.

  5. Tap anywhere outside the bar to save the name.

  6. Tap the Home key.

    The icons stop dancing around and your folder appears on the Home screen where you began this process.

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