You can specify how long the camera displays each photo and whether you want to use the Image Review feature, which automatically displays an image for a few seconds after the camera records it to the memory card. Here are the details:
You can control how long pictures are displayed before the monitor shuts down to save battery power.
Enable Image Review to display each photo for a few seconds immediately after you capture it.
- Adjust playback display time: By default, the monitor turns off after 10 seconds of inactivity when the camera is in Playback mode. To adjust the shutoff timing, open the Custom Setting menu, choose Timers/AE Lock, and then choose Monitor Off Delay, as shown on the left in the figure. The second screen in the figure appears. Select Playback to choose your desired shutoff time, keeping in mind that the longer the monitor remains on, the more battery juice the camera consumes.

- Turn on and customize Image Review. Open the Playback menu to turn on the Image Review feature, as shown in the following figure. By default, the camera displays the photo for 4 seconds. You can change the length of that display time through the same Custom Setting menu option that controls regular playback shutoff. Just choose Image Review instead of Playback from the right screen shown in the preceding figure.