
Rule Out Wrong Answers on the ASVAB Word Knowledge Subtest

2018-10-31 22:20:35
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One of the most successful strategies on the ASVAB Word Knowledge subtest is to rule out answers that are likely to be wrong before settling on the one you think is right.

For example, when two answer choices mean almost the same thing, or when some choices don’t match the prefix, suffix, or root word, you can cross them off as possibilities.

Practice questions

1. Inhabit most nearly means

A. vacate.

B. reside.

C. depart.

D. leave.

2. Deform most nearly means

A. cure.

B. heal.

C. contort.

D. tragedy.

Answers and explanations

1. The correct answer choice is B.

Choices (A), (C), and (D) are all very similar in meaning, leaving only Choice (B), reside, as the clear front-runner.

On the ASVAB, your choices aren’t likely to be this obvious, but you may be able to rule out two choices and give yourself a 50-50 chance of finding the correct answer.

2. The correct answer choice is C.

Choices (A) and (B) are essentially the same, so you can eliminate those two. Now look at the prefix, de-. This means “away from.” The root word form means “shape.” That means Choice (C), contort, is the right answer for this question.

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About the book author:

Angie Papple Johnston joined the U.S. Army in 2006 as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist. During her second deployment as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Angie became her battalion’s public affairs representative. She also served as the Lead Cadre for the Texas Army National Guard’s Recruit Sustainment program.