
Useful French Expressions and Greetings

2016-03-26 20:21:29
From The Book:  
French Workbook For Dummies
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These French greetings and expressions will come in very handy when you travel to a French-speaking country. With these expressions, you can communicate politely when speaking to French natives.

English French Pronunciation
Hello/Good day! Bonjour! bohN-zhoohr!
Good evening! Bon soir! bohN-swahr!
Good-bye! Au revoir! ohr-vwahr!
Please. S’il vous plaît. seel vooh pleh.
You’re welcome. Je vous en prie./De rien. zhuh vooh-zahN pree./duh ryahN.
Thank you. Merci. mehr-see.
Excuse me. Pardon./Excusez-moi. pahr-dohN./eks-kew-zey-mwah.
My name is . . . . Je m’appelle. . . . zhuh mah-pehl. . . .
Pleased to meet you. Enchanté./Enchantée. ahN-shahN-tey.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Zoe Erotopoulos, PhD has taught French for more than 30 years. She is the author of French Verbs For Dummies.

Dodi-Katrin Schmidt is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Michelle M. Williams is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.

Dominique Wenzel is a highly regarded French instructor and writer.