Paleo Workouts For Dummies
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Using kettlebells and the conditioning technique called tabata intervals, you can build up your Paleo workout through paced periods of movement, followed by rest. This video shows you how to begin metabolic conditioning with 20 seconds of two-hand swings and 10 seconds of rest, repeating at the same intervals for a goal of 4 minutes.

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Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author and nutritionist, appears on various news streams nationally and conducts workshops and seminars worldwide to help people feel — and look — their best. She is also the author of the popular website and gives daily news, tips, and inspiration on Twitter @drkellyann. Patrick Flynn, a fitness minimalist, conducts workshops and certifications worldwide, teaching people how to get more fit with less — but more effective — exercise. He is the driving force behind, a top-500 health and wellness blog.

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