Ready to (photo)shop till you drop? Let us walk you through stunning photo edits, graphic design ideas, and all of Photoshop's many useful tools. And, yes, you can even learn to touch up your selfies.
Photoshop Books

Photoshop Elements 2025 For Dummies
Ignite your creativity with Photoshop Elements Introducing the latest edition of Photoshop Elements 2025 For Dummies, updated for the newest version of Adobe's affordable and beginner-friendly photo editing software. With this comprehensive guide at your fingertips, you'll unlock the potential of Elements, turning ordinary photos into extraordinary images. Packed with all the essential photo editing tools, this software empowers you to brush up snapshots, create like-worthy social media posts, and create artistic masterpieces. In this easy-to-understand guide, you'll find instructions on using editing tools, working with layers, making one-click fixes, brightening colors, adding filters, and beyond. Master the basics of Photoshop Elements and make basic edits in Quick Mode Learn advanced editing techniques such as background replacement, stylize type, apply blend modes, social meda sharing, and other creative tricks, Discover the latest AI features such as depth of field, change object color, and combine photos Utilize camera raw to transform your camera's image data into stunning photographs Perfect for non-professional photographers and graphic designers new to Elements or looking for a refresh, this best-selling Dummies guide is your essential companion for getting started with Elements and learning insider tips to create images that “pop.”
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Photoshop Elements 2024 For Dummies
Get in touch with your creative side using Photoshop Elements Photoshop Elements 2024 For Dummies covers the newest version of Adobe’s beginner-friendly photo editing software. With the help of this Dummies guide, you’ll discover the ins and outs of Photoshop Elements, so you can transform your images from ordinary to extraordinary. The software is packed with all the photo editing tools you need to turn your images into showstoppers. With the help of the easy-to-understand instructions in this book, you’ll learn how to use the editing tools, utilize layers, make one-click fixes, brighten colors, add filters, and beyond. Get started with Photoshop Elements and make basic edits in quick mode Create different views of an image and use the history panel to find the best version of your image Replace backgrounds, merge photos, and do other neat editing tricks Understand camera raw to turn your camera’s image data into a stunning photo This bestselling Dummies guide is the book you need to get started with Elements and learn the insider tips that will give your images that “wow factor.”
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Photoshop Elements 2023 For Dummies
Transform your images from ordinary to extraordinary in Photoshop Elements Great for non-professional photographers and designers, Adobe's Photoshop Elements is packed with all the photo editing tools you need to turn your images into showstoppers. And with the help of Photoshop Elements 2023 For Dummies, you'll discover the ins and outs of this affordable, beginner-friendly photo editing software. Learn all the tricks for simple, one-click fixes, before leaping into more advanced editing features. Work with layers, brighten colors, add filters, and make your images pop! Learn the basics of Photoshop Elements and quickly improve your photos Enhance color, boost contrast, and sharpen your images Get to know more advanced Photoshop tools like layers Create eye-catching images and improve your designsThis book is for you whether you’re new to Photoshop Elements or an experienced user needing a refresh on the latest features. You’re in good hands with Dummies.
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Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies
Get picture perfect with Photoshop CC Photoshop is a stunning program that puts the power of a professional photography studio into your hands, but it can also be a jungle to navigate—with a dense proliferation of menus, panels, shortcuts, plug-ins, and add-ons to get thoroughly lost in. Written by a literal Photoshop Hall of Famer, the new edition of Photoshop CC For Dummies is your experienced guide to the technical terrain, slashing away the foliage for a clear picture of how to produce the perfectly framed and beautifully curated images you want. Beginning with an overview of the basic kit bag you need for your journey toward visual mastery, Peter Bauer—Photoshop instructor and an award-winning fine art photographer in his own right—shows you how to build your skills and enrich your creative palette with enhanced colors and tone, filters and layering, and even how undertake a foray into digital painting. Add in instructions on combining text with images and the how-tos of video and animation editing, and you have all the tools you need to carve out a one-person multimedia empire. Master everything from the basics to professional insider tips Combine, layer, tone, and paint your images Explore the colorfully creative world of Photoshop filters Fix common problems You'll find everything on the latest version of the software that you could dream of—and an improved shot at artistic success!
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Photoshop Elements 2020 For Dummies
Go beyond one-click filters with Photoshop Elements 2020 Photoshop Elements offers the tools to make quick, simple fixes to photos or to turn your images into completely different pieces of art. Digital imaging pros Barbara Obermeier and Ted Padova walk you step-by-step through the tools that help you take control of this powerful software. Discover simple one-click fixes that repair the most basic photo problems then dive into creative editing and adding artistic touches. You'll also find tips on shooting better photos and managing common photo projects. Apply instant edits to your digital images Improve lighting and add some color pops Discover artistic filters that push your creativity Create a frame-worthy print This fun guide is here to provide help to photographers and designers who prefer the latest version of the lighter, less-expensive version of Photoshop.
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Photoshop Elements 2019 For Dummies
Turn blah photos into dazzling images Photoshop Elements offers enough of the power you’ll find in full Photoshop to make both basic and artistic edits to your photos. Photoshop Elements 2019 For Dummies helps you learn how to use Photoshop Elements to take your shots to stunning new heights! Photoshop Elements 2019 For Dummies offers photographers of all skill levels the power to turn run-of-the-mill digital pictures into beautiful photographs. This friendly and helpful guidebook directs you on how to harness all the tools this powerful software has to offer. Simple explanations for handling image editing Steps for giving your photos a digital makeover Ways to turn your photos into works of art Guidance on fixing your pics with one click No matter if you're a photo editing newcomer looking for advice on making the most common fixes or an experienced editor in need of a road map to this version of Photoshop Elements, this book has you covered!
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Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Photoshop is the gold standard when it comes to photo and image editing tools. But unless you've ever taken a class or gotten help from a Photoshop guru, you may find yourself a bit confused on where to start and how to get things done. Photoshop CC For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the book for those of us who don't know a layer from a level and just want to learn how to make photos look better.
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Photoshop Elements 14 For Dummies
The bestselling book on Photoshop Elements—now in a new edition Getting great photos is easier than you think—it just takes some know-how and a tool like Adobe's Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements 14 For Dummies is a fun and easy-to-follow guide for photographers and photo enthusiasts who want to make their snapshots picture perfect. In no time, you'll tackle the basics of Photoshop Elements and find out how to execute hundreds of tasks, like using special effects and drawing tools, working with layers, improving your color and clarity, and so much more. Photoshop Elements is the #1 selling consumer photo editing software, and Adobe continues to add innovative features that allow professional and self-made digital photographers to do it all. Written by veteran authors Barb Obermeier and Ted Padova, this full-color guide shows you how to make the most of the latest version of the software in a fun and friendly way that makes learning feel like play. Even if you have no digital image editing experience at all, this hands-on guide shows you how to take your photos from 'meh' to 'wow'—and have a blast along the way! Get instant results using one-click editing options Apply pro techniques to correct photo color and clarity Show off your artsy side with special effects and filters Find tips for improving edits and creative projects The power and simplicity of Photoshop Elements makes it easy to turn out photos worth bragging about—and this no-nonsense guide will get you there in a flash.
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Photoshop Elements 13 For Dummies
Take your photos from "meh" to "wow!" with Photoshop Elements 13 and this expert guide Photoshop Elements 13 For Dummies is your guide to picture perfection using Adobe's Photoshop Elements. This full-color manual walks you through the process of photo editing, from basic color corrections to advanced filter effects, drawing, and more. Work through from beginning to end for a complete lesson, or keep it handy as a quick reference for unfamiliar tools and techniques. Designed for beginner and intermediate Photoshop Elements users, this book provides straightforward instruction in a fun, richly illustrated, easy-to-read style that makes learning feel like play. Combining powerful tools with a user-friendly interface has made Photoshop Elements the number-one selling photo editing software. Photoshop Elements 13 For Dummies shows you how to take advantage of everything the software has to offer, helping you create high-quality images for print, e-mail, and the web. Even with no digital image editing experience at all, you'll learn how to take your photos from bland to beautiful and have a blast along the way. Adjust resolutions, color modes, and file formats to best suit the project Work with layers, filters, effects, styles, type, and more Correct color, contrast and clarity for a simple photo makeover Optimize for print, or share on Facebook, Flickr, and other social networks The power and simplicity of Photoshop Elements makes it the perfect solution for amateurs seeking an affordable digital editing platform. The quicker you learn the tools, the sooner you'll be turning out photos to brag about – and Photoshop Elements 13 For Dummies will get you there in a flash.
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Photoshop CS5 For Dummies
The bestselling guide to the leading image-editing software, fully updated Previous editions of this For Dummies guide have sold more 650,000 copies. Richly illustrated in full color, this edition covers all the updates Photoshop CS5, the gold standard for image-editing programs. Used by professional photographers, graphic designers, and web designers as well as hobbyists, Photoshop has more than four million users worldwide. Photoshop is the image-editing software preferred by professional photographers and designers around the world; Photoshop CS5 is packed with new functionality and enhanced tools Teaches all the basics for first-time users, including how to work with the menus, panels, tools, options, and essential shortcuts Covers how to fix red-eye, remove blemishes and wrinkles, remove people or objects from a photo, adjust brightness, improve color, add shadows and highlights, work with Camera Raw, decrease digital noise, create composite images, use channels and masks, optimize images for the Web, and much more Photoshop CS5 For Dummies helps both amateur and professional Photoshop users take advantage of all the program has to offer.
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