English as a Second Language
Learn (or teach) the ABCs and 123s, along with more advanced grammar and common phrases. Incluye contenido en español.
English as a Second Language Books

English as a Second Language
TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies
Instant English lessons – learn in a flash! TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is a ready-made course manual for TEFL teachers. With fully fleshed-out lessons, activities, tools, games, and resources, this book contains what is essentially an instant TEFL course. Use the ready-made materials directly in the classroom, or follow along with the detailed planning models and frameworks to grow your skills while designing your own lesson plans more effectively. The book includes access to online materials you can print for use in class, and the lessons can be used with or without the aid of technology in the classroom. You'll find expert advice on teaching all age levels and class sizes, including ideas for taking the lessons out into the world. Many EFL/ESL teachers have little or no experience, and may have only been in the profession for a limited time. TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies saves the day with materials, ideas, and activities that can be implemented quickly and easily, making lessons more productive and fun. From quick exercises to larger-scale plans, this book contains hundreds of ways to help your students become more proficient English speakers. Implement expertly-designed planning models with step-by-step advice Teach lessons designed for students of all ages and classes of all sizes Integrate technology when it's available, or do without it when it's not Move your lessons outside of the classroom for deeper immersion Whether you're taking a TEFL training course, about to head out on your first job, or a veteran of the field, this book provides you with the tools you will need to get things moving in class. If you're looking to cut down on planning time without sacrificing student engagement, TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is the classroom-ready resource you need.
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English as a Second Language
Teaching English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
Learn to: Put an EFL course programme together from scratch Let your students loose in skills classes from reading to listening Deliver grammar lessons in a logical and intuitive way Cope with different age groups and capabilities Your one-stop guide to a career that will take you places If you thought that teaching a language that's second nature to you would be easy, think again! Explaining grammar, or teaching correct pronunciation while simultaneously developing your own skills as a teacher can be a huge challenge. Whether you're on a training course or have already started teaching, this book will help launch your career and give you the confidence and expertise you need to be a brilliant teacher. Make an educated decision decide between the various courses, qualifications and job locations available to you Start from scratch plan well-structured lessons and develop successful and effective teaching techniques Focus on skills from reading and writing, to listening and speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent Get your head around grammar teach students to put sentences together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs All shapes and sizes tailor your lessons to younger learners, one-to-ones, exam classes and Business English learners Open the book and find: TEFL, TESOL, EFL what all the acronyms mean The best course books and materials to supplement your teaching Advice on running your class and handling difficulties Lesson plans that you can use in the classroom Activities and exercises to keep your students on their toes Constructive ways to correct and assess your students' performance Ways to inject some fun into your classes Insider information on the best jobs around the world 'An invaluable manual for anyone thinking of embarking on a TEFL journey. Michelle Maxom's step-by-step guide provides practical tips to get you started and offers key advice to help unleash the creative English language teacher within.' Claire Woollam, Director of Studies & a Teacher Trainer at Language Link London
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Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
Do you know a bit of English, and want to improve without a teacher? Whether you're a student, a traveller, or you just want to learn basic English, this plain-speaking guide will help you pick up the essentials so you'll be understanding and speaking English in no time. Improve your grammar, speech, vocabulary and pronunciation at your own pace, and prepare yourself to get around in any English-speaking country comfortably - and without embarrassment! Learning English as a Foreign Language For Dummies includes: Part I: Getting StartedChapter 1: You Already Know a Little EnglishChapter 2: Basic English GrammarChapter 3: Greetings and Introductions Part II: English in ActionChapter 4: Shopping and NumbersChapter 5: Eating OutChapter 6: Out on the TownChapter 7: Hobbies and Free TimeChapter 8: Talking on the PhoneChapter 9: At the Office and Around the HouseChapter 10: Written English - Newspapers and Signs Part III: English on the GoChapter 11: MoneyChapter 12: Checking into a HotelChapter 13: Asking Directions and Getting AroundChapter 14: Handling Emergencies Part IV: The Part of TensChapter 15: Ten Ways to Speak English QuicklyChapter 16: Ten Favourite English ExpressionsChapter 17: Ten Holidays to RememberChapter 18: Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Fluent in English Part V: AppendicesAppendix A: Phrasal verbs explainedAppendix B: Common Verbs [Agree, Can / be able, Come, Do, Go, Have, Make , Need, Put, Think] English Irregular VerbsAppendix C: About the Downloadable Content
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Frases en Inglés Para Dummies
Una guía práctica para las personas de habla hispana que desean aprender inglés Escrito para millones de americanos que hablan español y quieren mejorar o aprender inglés. Ingles Frases Para Dummies es un recurso básico para mejorar su comunicación en el mundo de habla inglesa. Escrito por Gail Brenner, un escritor veterano, editor, y traductor con más de treinta años de experiencia, este libro le ayudara a entender lo básico para poder hablar inglés con confianza. Escrito por un experto lingüístico y traductor Ofrece frases comunes en inglés para ayudar a navegar el idioma más fácilmente Incluye ejemplos útiles de que decir en caso de emergencia Con Ingles Frases para Dummies como sú guía, usted puede mejorar su inglés y afinar sus habilidades con el idioma. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A handy guide for Spanish speakers who wish to learn English Written for the millions of Americans who speak Spanish and want to improve or learn English, Ingles Frases Para Dummies is a basic resource for improving your communication in an English speaking world. Written by Gail Brenner, a veteran writer, editor, and translator with more than thirty years of experience, this book will help you understand the basics so you can speak English with confidence. Written by a leading linguistic expert and translator Offers common English phrases and sayings to help you navigate the language easily Includes helpful examples of what to say in case of emergency With Ingles Frases Para Dummies as your guide, you can learn to improve your English and fine tune your language skills.
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Inglés Para Dummies
Es fácil aprender inglés, lo prometemos Ingles Para Dummies está repleto de explicaciones claras de la gramática, el uso, la jerga y más en inglés, todo en un formato fácil de seguir. Estudia a su propio ritmo, en la comodidad de su hogar, con esta guía imprescindible para cualquier persona que quiera aprender inglés. Le encantará el útil mini diccionario inglés-español mientras aprende la jerga para saludos personales, conversaciones telefónicas, compras, viajes, cenas y otras actividades diarias. Además, los ejemplos del mundo real te permiten poner en práctica sus nuevas habilidades. Con ayuda de pronunciación, consejos y trucos, y errores comunes para evitar, Ingles Para Dummies tiene todo lo que necesitas para usar el inglés con confianza. Aprende la gramática básica del inglés y las expresiones importantes del día a día Practica tu pronunciación y evita errores comunes Domina frases útiles para el hogar, el trabajo, la salud y la recreación Usa atajos prácticos y jerga auténtica para una conversación fácil y divertidaLos hispanohablantes que recién comienzan con el inglés pueden aprender rápida y fácilmente vocabulario básico, gramática y habilidades de conversación, además de mejorar la confianza para hablar y manejar situaciones cotidianas, gracias a este divertido libro Dummies.
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