Use the Scale to Fit settings in Excel 2010 if you need to make a worksheet fit when you must get a few last rows or columns on a single page. You can use the Width, Height, and Scale options in the Scale to Fit group of the Page Layout tab to change these settings. These options are also available on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
Don't try to shrink the document too much. Trying to fit too much on a page can make the document typeface too small to read. If you decide to cancel the scaling, select Automatic for the Width and Height settings on the Page Layout tab and set the Scale back to 100%.
Click the Scale to Fit dialog box launcher on the Page Layout tab.

The Page Setup dialog box opens with the Page tab on top. You’ll choose one of the options in the Scaling section.
Select the Adjust To box and specify a percentage between 10 and 400.
Use the Adjust To setting if you want to enlarge or shrink the printed font size by the specified percentage.
Select the Fit To option and specify the number of pages wide and/or tall for your printout.

Use the Fit To option if you want to force an Excel worksheet to a specified number of pages wide and high.
Click OK.
You should preview the worksheet to determine if the scaling options need further refinement.