PublishView is not really a view, it is a document type. Using PublishView, you can place multiple dynamically linked TI-Nspire pages on the same sheet along with objects like text boxes, hyperlinks, and even video! To open a new PublishView document, choose File→New PublishView Document (or press Ctrl+Shift+N). Saving a document creates a .tnsp file.
Existing .tns files can be converted to PublishView documents by choosing File→Convert→PublishView Document. On the flip side, files created as PublishView documents can be converted to .tns files by choosing File→Convert→TI-Nspire Document.
PublishView is not line-based, like a word document . . . it is frame based. You can add frames (and even overlap frames) by dragging and dropping one of the document tool “boxes.” There are eight TI-Nspire applications you can drag and drop and four different PublishView objects.
The PublishView options include an image, a video, a text box (customize the font), and a hyperlink. Each frame’s size can be customized, just click on it and drag the corners.
The TI-Nspire applications that are in PublishView do not have full functionality (like a demo version of software on a computer). However, you don’t need to have TI-Nspire software to view a PublishView document. Both PublishView and TI-Nspire documents can be exported to web pages or HTML snippets that can be used to paste into existing web pages or blogs.
This feature is powered by TI-Nspire Document Player (which works in conjunction with but is different from TI-Nspire Computer Software). Additionally, TI-Nspire documents can be exported to a file that is compatible with Cabri. Hidden in the File drop-down menu is the Export option; choose File→Export.
You can embed a PublishView document in any environment that supports HTML, including web pages, PowerPoint, Moodle, Blackboard, and so on. The ability to include TI-Nspire documents in different environments makes this a really exciting new feature. Here is an example of part of a lesson in PublishView.