
Single Frame and Quiet Shutter Release Modes on Your Nikon D3400

2017-03-02 3:41:16
Canon EOS R50 For Dummies
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Single Frame Release mode on your Nikon D3400 captures one picture each time you press the shutter button. It's the default setting for all exposure modes except the Sports Scene mode.


Quiet Shutter mode works just like Single Frame mode but makes less noise as it goes about its business. First, the camera disables the beep that it emits by default when it achieves focus. (You can turn off the beep for other Release modes via the Beep option on the Setup menu.)


Additionally, Quiet Shutter mode affects the operation of the internal mirror that causes the scene coming through the lens to be visible in the viewfinder. Normally, the mirror flips up when you press the shutter button and then flips back down after the shutter opens and closes. This mirror movement makes some noise. In Quiet Shutter mode, you can temporarily prevent the mirror from flipping back down by keeping the shutter button fully pressed after the shot. This way, you can delay the sound made by the final mirror movement to a moment when the noise won't be objectionable.

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Julie Adair King is a veteran digital photography educator. Her best selling books include Digital Photography For Dummies and thirty titles on Canon and Nikon cameras.