When preparing to take the PHR or SPHR, you may want to join a study group, which has these advantages, the same that Abraham Maslow wrote about in Hierarchy of Needs:
Belonging: Adults are motivated when they belong to a group of peers, those with similar needs and desires. Aligning yourself with others in a study group creates a sense of camaraderie while reiterating the fact that you aren't, in fact, alone on this journey.
Self-esteem: Most people want to contribute and believe that they have the knowledge and experience necessary to pass this exam. HR professionals have varying degrees of knowledge and experience that can only be shared in a study group. You'll bring knowledge to the table that others may not have, increasing your self-esteem and your confidence.
Self-actualization: The top level of Maslow's hierarchy speaks to the need for individuals to realize their full potential. Sitting alone in a dark corner at a coffee shop trying to jam facts into your head doesn't inspire confidence or motivation to achieve your full potential, in this case, passing the exam. Coming together in a group motivates you to reach up and out with others beyond everyone's current capabilities and knowledge.
Note that adults' internal needs drive many of these benefits, yet you can obtain the solutions from external sources. Take yourself and this investment seriously enough to do whatever it takes to get you to a passing score.