
Getting Help for Emergencies in Italian

2016-03-26 20:20:43
From The Book:  
Italian Workbook For Dummies
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If you have an emergency while traveling in Italy, you'll be glad to know these basic Italian phrases. Be prepared for emergencies by committing these Italian phrases to memory:

  • Aiuto! (ah-yooh-toh) (Help!)

  • Emergenza! (eh-mehr-jehn-tsah) (Emergency!)

  • Chiamate la polizia! (chee-ah-mah-teh lah poh-lee-tsee-ah) (Call the police!)

  • Chiamate un'ambulanza! (kee-ah-mah-teh ooh-nahm-booh-lahn-tsah) (Call an ambulance!)

  • Ho bisogno di un medico. (oh bee-zoh-nyoh dee oohn meh-dee-koh) (I need a doctor.)

  • Dov'è l'ospedale? (doh-veh lohs-peh-dah-leh) (Where is the hospital?)

  • Mi sento molto male. (mee sehn-toh mohl-toh mah-leh) (I feel very sick.)

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Francesca Romana Onofri is an Italian teacher and translator.

Karen Antje Möller is a veteran language teacher and author. She has worked with Berlitz Publishing on German-Italian projects and Italian exercise books.

Teresa Picarazzi, PhD, has taught Italian language, literature, and cinema for more than 30 years. She now teaches Italian at The Hopkins School in New Haven. She has lived, studied, and worked in Florence, Siena, Urbino, Cortona, and Ravenna, Italy. She has written books and several articles on Italian politics and culture.