
Evolve your knowledge of the fast-moving world of genetic research

Genetics For Dummies shines a light on the fascinating field of genetics, helping you gain a greater understanding of how genetics factors into everyday life. Perfect as a supplement to a genetics course or as an intro for the curious, this book is packed with easy-to-understand explanations of the key concepts, including an overview of cell biology. You’ll also find tons of coverage of recent discoveries in the field, plus info on how genetics can affect your health and wellbeing. Whole-genome sequencing, genetic disease treatments, exploring your ancestry, non-invasive prenatal testing—it’s all here, in the friendly and relatable Dummies style you love.

  • Grasp the basics of cell biology and get a primer on the field of genetic research
  • Discover what you can learn about yourself, thanks to advances in genetic testing
  • Learn how your genes influence your health and wellbeing, today and as you age
  • Follow along with your college-level genetics course—or refresh your knowledge—with clear explanations of complex ideas

Genetics For Dummies is great for students of the biological sciences, and for the genetically curious everywhere.

Evolve your knowledge of the fast-moving world of genetic research

Genetics For Dummies shines a light on the fascinating field of genetics, helping you gain a greater understanding of how genetics factors into everyday life. Perfect as a supplement to a genetics course or as an intro for the curious, this book is packed with easy-to-understand explanations of the key concepts, including an overview of cell biology. You’ll also find tons of coverage of recent discoveries in the field, plus info on how genetics can affect your health and wellbeing. Whole-genome sequencing, genetic disease treatments, exploring your ancestry,

non-invasive prenatal testing—it’s all here, in the friendly and relatable Dummies style you love.
  • Grasp the basics of cell biology and get a primer on the field of genetic research
  • Discover what you can learn about yourself, thanks to advances in genetic testing
  • Learn how your genes influence your health and wellbeing, today and as you age
  • Follow along with your college-level genetics course—or refresh your knowledge—with clear explanations of complex ideas

Genetics For Dummies is great for students of the biological sciences, and for the genetically curious everywhere.

Genetics For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Genetics is a complex field with lots of details to keep straight. But when you get a handle on some key terms and concepts, including the structure of DNA and the laws of inheritance, you can start putting the pieces together for a better understanding of genetics.

Articles From The Book

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Genetics Articles

Gene Editing

One of the hottest topics these days is gene editing (also known as genome editing). Gene editing is a group of genetic engineering technologies that allow scientists to change a specific sequence within the genome. Each of these technologies involves an engineered enzyme called a nuclease, which can cut DNA, along with some kind of guide to lead the enzyme to the right place in the genome. Subsequently, the cell’s own DNA repair machinery can repair the break, inserting a new segment of DNA if a fragment of DNA with the desired sequence is provided. Gene editing could be used in a couple of different ways. First, it could be used to replace a sequence with a disease-causing mutation with the normal sequence, thereby correcting the underlying cause of a patient’s condition. Another use could be to disrupt a gene that is being expressed and turn it off. This would be helpful for conditions in which there is an excess of expression that contributes to the disorder, such as oncogenes in cancer. Technologies to perform gene editing have been around for more than 20 years; however, the different tools vary with respect to how well they work. Gene editing tools that have been developed include the following:

  • Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs): ZFNs use a specific type of DNA binding domain (referred to as a zinc finger domain) to recognize the target sequence. While they have been successfully used to modify various plants, they are not really used anymore because they frequently affected the wrong sequence.
  • Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs): TALENs use a transcription activator-like effector DNA binding domain that can be customized to target a specific sequence. TALENs have a higher efficiency than ZFNs and have been used to alter the genomes of a variety of different organisms. It has also been used experimentally to correct mutations that cause human disease.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 (pronounced “crisper cass 9”): The CRISPR-Cas9 system is the most recently introduced and appears to have the highest accuracy of any of the methods. The system uses a customizable RNA guide to target the sequence to be edited, along with a CRISPR-associated protein (Cas). Because of its efficiency and accuracy, this method is rapidly becoming the most widely used approach for performing gene editing.

The CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system is also the method that has been hitting the headlines. The basics of this system are described in the following section. In addition, since the system could be used in either somatic cells (the cells of the body other than the eggs or sperm) or in the germline (the sex cells – eggs and sperm), the importance of this distinction is discussed. The promise that the CRISPR-Cas9 system holds for the future treatment of genetic diseases has also raised some significant concerns.

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing

CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats. Cas9 is the CRISPR-associated protein number 9. CRISPR-Cas9 is based on a defense system that occurs naturally in some bacteria. Scientists discovered that the DNA in these bacteria contained many short palindromic sequences. Palindromes are words or sequences that are the same both forward and backward, such as the word racecar or the DNA sequence CATAATAC. In the bacteria, these short palindromic sequences flanked segments of DNA from a virus that had previously infected the cell. Basically, every time a bacterium was infected with a virus (and survived the infection), the bacterium saved a bit of the viral DNA by inserting it between the palindromic DNA sequences (see the following figure). It would then make a small piece of RNA from this sequence, which would then be attached to a Cas protein that is able to cut DNA into pieces. If the bacterium was infected again by the same virus, the armed Cas protein would recognize the viral DNA and destroy it immediately. The CRISPR-Cas9 system for gene editing uses a short RNA guide sequence that can bind to a specific target sequence in the genome. This guide RNA also binds to the Cas9 protein. To use this system for correcting a gene known to carry a mutation, the Cas9 protein with the guide RNA attached could be introduced into a cell with the defective gene, along with fragments containing the normal gene sequence. Once the guide RNA-Cas9 complex binds to its target sequence in the genome, the Cas9 protein would cut the DNA at the target location. The cells own DNA repair machinery could then be used to replace the defective copy of the gene with a correctly functioning version (without any mutation). Another potential use for this system would be to disrupt genes that are causing problems. For example, if a gene is producing a growth factor that is contributing to cancer cell division and proliferation, the guide sequence could target the gene and the attached Cas9 protein could cut it and stop it from making the growth factor.

Germline versus somatic gene editing

Gene editing could be performed in a somatic cell (a body cell other than an egg or sperm), such that the edited sequence ends up only in the tissue of interest. In this case, the genetic change would not be passed on to subsequent generations. Alternatively, gene editing could be performed in a manner that results in the altered sequence being in all the cells of the body. In this case, the editing would need to occur in a germ cell (such as an egg or sperm) or in a one-cell zygote (fertilized egg). This would also lead to a genome alteration what would be passed onto future generations, something associated with a unique set of ethical issues.

The ethics of gene editing

Both germline and somatic gene editing raise significant ethical concerns. In both cases, there are concerns about off-target editing (that is, when the wrong sequence gets changed, perhaps with devastating consequences). And like any new technology, there are definite concerns regarding the overall safety of such a procedure and the health implications for the organism in which the editing was performed (and potentially future offspring if germline editing is carried out). In addition, like all other genetic engineering technologies and some genetic testing approaches, there are worries regarding the potential to use these techniques to enhance one’s genetics, as opposed to treating a genetic condition. Informed consent also triggers some very real apprehensions, since modifying someone’s germline involves performing the change before the person is born and before they can provide consent. From a societal perspective, concerns have been raised regarding the equal access to such technologies and concerns related to how genetic diseases or traits are viewed. If therapies based on gene editing become clinically available, will everyone be able to afford them? Will this lead to a negative view of certain genetic disorders or traits, and an attempt to remove them from society? Most of these concerns have been brought to the forefront since the first report demonstrating that genome editing in a human embryo is possible, which was published by a Chinese research group in 2015. This study, however, utilized an embryo that was not capable of developing to term. Later in 2015, there was a call for a voluntary worldwide moratorium on using CRISPR-Cas9 to alter the germline genome in humans. Despite this, a later report from China in 2018 described the use of gene editing to make twins who were immune to HIV infection. However, the genetic status of these individuals has not been verified. At the time this article was written, a search on the clinicaltrials.gov website (which lists future, ongoing, and completed clinical trials) identified 19 different trials designed to study gene editing in somatic cells using CRISPR-Cas9. This included studies for the treatment of sickle cell disease, beta-thalassemia, and blood cell cancers (such as leukemia), and at least three of these trials have study sites in the United States. Little has been reported from these studies, but one researcher has stated that the first beta-thalassemia patient he treated hadn’t needed a blood transfusion in the four months since treatment was initiated. No trials were identified that involved modification of the human germline.

Genetics Articles

Genetically Modified Organisms: Animals, Plants, Bacteria

Transgenic critters (genetically modified organisms) are all over the place. Animals, insects, and bacteria have all gotten in on the fun. In this article, you take a trip to the transgenic zoo to learn a little bit about the menagerie.

Transgenic animals

Mice were the
organisms of choice in the development of transgenic methods. One of the ways that transgenic mice can be created is by inserting a transgene into a mouse’s genome during the process of fertilization. When a sperm enters an egg, there’s a brief period before the two sets of DNA (maternal and paternal) fuse to become one. The two sets of DNA existing during this intermission are called pronuclei. Geneticists discovered that by injecting many copies of the transgene (with its promoter and sometimes with a marker gene, too) directly into the paternal pronucleus (see the following figure), the transgene was sometimes integrated into the embryo’s chromosomes.

If the transgene integrates into one of the mouse chromosomes when still at the one-cell stage, it will end up in all the cells of the mouse’s body. If it integrates after several rounds of cell division, then not all the embryo’s cells will contain the transgene. The cells that do have the transgene often have multiple copies (oddly, these end up together in a head-to-tail arrangement), and the transgenes are inserted into the mouse’s chromosomes at random. The resulting, partly transgenic mouse is mosaic. Mosaicism is when there are two population of cells in the animal. In this case, there is one that contains and expresses the transgene and one that does not. To get a fully transgenic animal, many mosaic animals are mated in the hope that non-mosaic transgenic offspring will be produced from one or more matings.

One of the first applications of the highly successful mouse transgenesis method used growth hormone genes. When introduced into the mouse genome, rat, human, and bovine growth hormone genes all produced mice that were much larger than normal. The result encouraged the idea that growth hormone genes engineered into meat animals would allow faster production of larger, leaner animals. However, transgenic pigs with the human growth hormone gene didn’t fare very well; in studies, they grew faster than their nontransgenic counterparts but only when fed large amounts of protein. And female transgenic pigs turned out to be sterile. All the pigs showed muscle weakness, and many developed arthritis and ulcers. Unfortunately, cows didn’t fare any better. In contrast, fish do swimmingly with transgenes and transgenic salmon with the growth hormone gene grow six times faster than their nontransgenic cousins and convert their food to body weight much more efficiently, meaning that less food makes a bigger fish. Primates have also been targeted for transgenesis as a way to study human disorders including aging, neurological diseases, and immune disorders. The first transgenic monkey was born in 2000. This rhesus monkey was endowed with a simple marker gene because the purpose of the study was simply to determine whether transgenesis in monkeys was possible. Since then, transgenic primates that model human disease, such as a transgenic monkey that can be used to model Huntington disease have been created and are showing great promise as a tool for studying treatments for these conditions.

Transgenic pets: Glow-in-dark fish

Ever have one of those groovy posters that glows under a black light? Well, move that black light over to the aquarium — there’s a new fish in town. Originally derived from zebrafish, a tiny, black-and-white–striped native of India’s Ganges River, these glowing versions bear a gene that makes them fluorescent. The little, red, glow-in-the-dark wonders (referred to as GloFish) are the first commercially available transgenic pets. Zebrafish are tried-and-true laboratory veterans — they even have their own scientific journal! Developmental biologists love zebrafish because their transparent eggs make it simple to observe development. Geneticists use zebrafish to study the functions of all sorts of genes, many of which have direct counterparts in other organisms, including humans. And genetic engineers have taken advantage of these easy-to-keep fish, too; scientists in Singapore saw the potential to use zebrafish as little pollution indicators. The Singapore geneticists used a gene from jellyfish to make their zebrafish glow in the dark. The action of the fluorescent gene is set up to respond to cues in the environment (like hormones, toxins, or temperature). The transgenic zebrafish then provide a quick and easy to read signal: If they glow, a pollutant is present. Of course, glowing fish are so unique that some enterprising soul couldn’t let lab scientists have all the fun. Thus, these made-over zebrafish have hit the market. Currently, GloFish are available in more than 10 different colors, including green, red, orange, pink, purple, or blue! Initially, when GloFish were introduced in 2003, the state of California banned their sale outright. However, they changed their decision in 2015, after GloFish sales were approved by the FDA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and a variety of state-level regulators.

Transgenic insects

A number of uses for transgenic insects appear to be on the horizon. Malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases are a major health problem worldwide, but the use of pesticides to combat mosquito populations is problematic because resistant populations rapidly replace susceptible ones. And in fact, the problem isn’t really the mosquitoes themselves (despite what you may think when you’re being buzzed and bitten). The problem is the parasites and viruses the mosquitoes carry and transmit through their bites. In response to these problems, at least one research group has developed a transgenic mosquito in which expression of the transgene results in an early death. Research trials with these mosquitos in Brazil were designed to see if they may help decrease the population of mosquitoes that spreads dengue fever or the Zika virus. However, it is still unclear whether the release of these transgenic mosquitos is decreasing the population without the unintended consequence of creating hybrid mosquitos. Another potential use for transgenic insects would be to release of millions of transgenically infertile bugs that attract the mating attentions of fertile ones. The matings result in infertile eggs, reducing the reproduction of the target insect population. This is an especially appealing idea when used to combat invasive species that can sweep through crops with economically devastating results.

Transgenic bacteria

Bacteria are extremely amenable to transgenesis. Unlike other transgenic organisms, genes can be inserted into bacteria with great precision, making expression far easier to control. As a result, many products can be produced using bacteria, which can be grown under highly controlled conditions, essentially eliminating the danger of transgene escape.

Many important drugs are produced by recombinant bacteria, such as insulin for treatment of diabetes, clotting factors for the treatment of hemophilia, and human growth hormone for the treatment of some forms of short stature. These sorts of medical advances can have important side benefits as well:

  • Transgenic bacteria can produce much greater volumes of proteins than traditional methods.
  • Transgenic bacteria are safer than animal substitutes, such as pig insulin, which are slightly different from the human version and may therefore cause allergic reactions.
To use bacteria to make human proteins for the treatment of disease, the gene for the human protein must be isolated. For example, to make human insulin, DNA is obtained from an insulin-producing pancreatic cell (see the following figure). The insulin gene is isolated and inserted into a bacterial plasmid. The plasmid containing the human gene is then introduced into E. coli, which then acts as a factory for making the insulin protein. Transgenic bacteria are used to produce large quantities of insulin, which can then be purified and used to treat patients with diabetes.

Transgenic plants

Plants are really different from animals, but not in the way you may think. Plant cells are totipotent, meaning that practically any plant cell can eventually give rise to every sort of plant tissue: roots, leaves, and seeds. When animal cells differentiate during embryo development, they lose their totipotency forever (but the DNA in every cell retains the potential to be totipotent). For genetic engineers, the totipotency of plant cells reveals vast possibilities for genetic manipulation. Much of the transgenic revolution in plants has focused on moving genes from one plant to another, from bacteria to plants, or even from animals to plants. Like all transgenic organisms, transgenic plants are created to achieve various ends, including nutritionally enhancing certain foods (such as rice) or altering crops to resist either herbicides used against unwanted competitor plants or the attack of plant-eating insects.

Getting new genes into the plant

To put new genes into plants, genetic engineers can either:
  • Use a vector system from a common soil bacterium called Agrobacterium. Agrobacterium is a plant pathogen that causes galls — big, ugly, tumor-like growths — to form on infected plants. In the figure, you can see what a gall looks like. Gall formation results from integration of bacterial genes directly into the infected plant’s chromosomes. The bacteria enters the plant from a wound such as a break in the plant’s stem that allows bacteria to get past the woody defense cells that protect the plant from pathogens (just as your skin protects you). The bacterial cells move into the plant cells, and once inside, DNA from the bacteria’s plasmids the circular DNAs that are separate from the bacterial chromosome — integrate into the host plant’s DNA. The bacterial DNA pops itself in more or less randomly and then hijacks the plant cell to allow it to replicate.

Like the geneticists using virus vectors for gene therapy, genetic engineers snip out gall-forming genes from the Agrobacterium plasmids and replace them with transgenes. Host plant cells are grown in the lab and infected with the Agrobacterium. Because these cells are totipotent, they can be used to grow an entire plant — roots, leaves, and all — and every cell contains the transgene. When the plant forms seeds, those contain the transgene, too, ensuring that the transgene is passed to the offspring.

  • Shoot plants with a gene gun so that microscopic particles of gold or other metals carry the transgene unit into the plant nucleus by brute force. Gene guns are a bit less dependable than Agrobacterium as a method for getting transgenes into plant cells. However, some plants are resistant to Agrobacterium, thus making the gene gun a viable alternative. With gene guns, the idea is to coat microscopic pellets with many copies of a transgene and by brute force (provided by compressed air) shove the pellets directly into the cell nuclei. By chance, some of the transgenes are inserted into the plant chromosomes.

Commercial applications

Transgenic plants have made quite a splash in the world of agriculture. So far, the main applications of this technology have addressed two primary threats to crops:
  • Weeds: The addition of herbicide-resistant genes make crop plants immune to the effects of weed-killing chemicals, allowing farmers to spread herbicides over their entire fields without worrying about killing their crops. Weeds compete with crop plants for water and nutrients, reducing yields considerably. Soybeans, cotton, and canola (a seed that produces cooking oil) are only a few of the crop plants that have been genetically altered to tolerate certain herbicides.
  • Bugs: The addition of transgenes that confer pest-killing properties to plants effectively reduces crop losses to plant-eating bugs. Geneticists provide pest-protection traits using the genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (otherwise known as Bt). Organic gardeners discovered the pesticide qualities of Bt, a soil bacterium, years ago. Bt produces a protein called Cry. When an insect eats the soil bacteria, digestion of Cry releases a toxin that kills the insect shortly after its meal. However, the Cry toxin is not toxic to animals and has been deemed safe for consumption by the FDA. Transgenic corn and cotton were the first to carry the Bt Cry Others now include potatoes, eggplants, soybeans, and tomatoes, although not all are commercially available yet.

Points of contention about GMOs

Few genetic issues have excited the almost frenzied response met by transgenic crop plants. Opposition to transgenic plants generally falls into four basic categories, including food safety issues, transgene escape, the development of resistance, and harming unintended targets.

Food safety issues

Normally, gene expression is highly regulated and tissue-specific, meaning that proteins produced in a plant’s leaves, for example, don’t necessarily show up in its fruits. Because of the way transgenes are inserted, however, their expression isn’t under tight control. Opponents to transgenics worry that proteins produced by transgenes may prove toxic, making foods produced by those crop plants unsafe to eat. Safety evaluations of transgenic crops rely on a concept called substantial equivalence. Substantial equivalence is a detailed comparison of transgenic crop products with their nontransgenic equivalents. This comparison involves chemical and nutritional analyses, including tests for toxic substances. If the transgenic product has some detectable difference, that trait is targeted for further evaluation. Thus, substantial equivalence is based on the assumptions that any ingredient or component of the nontransgenic product is already deemed safe and that only new differences found in the transgenic version are worth investigating. For example, in the case of transgenic potatoes, unmodified potatoes are thought to be safe, so only the Bt that had been introduced was slated for further tests.

Escaped transgenes

The escape of transgenes into other hosts is a widely reported fear of transgenics opponents. Canola, a common oil-seed crop, provides one good example of how quickly transgenes can get around. Herbicide-resistant canola was marketed in Canada in 1996 or so. By 1998, wild canola plants in fields where no transgenic crop had ever been grown already had not one but two different transgenes for herbicide resistance. This finding was quite a surprise because no commercially available transgenic canola came equipped with both transgenes. It’s likely that the accidental transgenic acquired its new genes via pollination. In 2002, several companies in the United States failed to take adequate precautions mandated by law to prevent the escape of corn transgenes via pollination or the accidental germination of untended transgenic seeds. These lapses resulted in fines — and the release of transgenes into unintended crops.

Developing resistance

The third major point of opposition to transgenics — the development of resistance to transgene effects — is connected to the widespread movement of transgenes. The point of developing most of these transgenic crops is to make controlling weeds or insect pests easier. Additionally, transgenic crops (particularly transgenic cotton) have the potential to significantly reduce chemical use, which is a huge environmental plus. However, when weeds or insects acquire resistance to transgene effects, the chemicals that transgenics are designed to replace are rendered obsolete. Full-blown resistance development depends on artificial selection supplied by the herbicide or the plant itself. Resistance develops and spreads when insects that are susceptible to the pesticide transgene being used are all killed. The only insects that survive and reproduce are, you guessed it, able to tolerate the pesticide transgene. Insects produce hundreds of thousands of offspring, so it doesn’t take long to replace susceptible populations with resistant ones.

Damaging unintended targets

The argument against transgenic plants is that nontarget organisms may suffer ill effects. For example, when Bt corn was introduced, controversy arose surrounding the corn’s toxicity to beneficial insects (that is, bugs that eat other bugs) and desirable creatures like butterflies. Indeed, Bt is toxic to some of these insects, but it’s unclear how much damage these natural populations sustain from Bt plants. The biggest threat to migratory monarch butterflies is likely habitat destruction in their overwintering sites in Mexico, not Bt corn.

Genetics Articles

What are Transgenic Organisms?

If genetic modification is so ubiquitous, what’s the problem with transgenic organisms? After all, humans have been at this whole genetic modification thing for centuries, right? Well, historically, humans have modified organisms by controlling matings between animals and plants with preexisting genetic compatibility, not by introducing sequences from different species.

Transgenics are often endowed with genes from very different species. (The bacterial gene that’s been popped into corn to make it resistant to attack by plant-eating insects is a good example.) Therefore, transgenic organisms wind up with genes that never could have moved from one organism to another without considerable help.

After these “foreign” genes get into an organism, they don’t necessarily stay put. One of the biggest issues with transgenic plants, for example, is uncontrolled gene transfer to other, unintended species. Another controversial aspect of transgenic organisms has to do with gene expression; many people worry that transgenes will be expressed in agricultural products in unwanted or unexpected ways, making food harmful to eat.

To understand the promises and pitfalls of transgenics, you first need to know how transgenes are transferred and why. Recombinant DNA technology is the set of methods used for all transgenic applications. This set of techniques also falls under the classification of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering refers to the directed manipulation of genes to alter phenotype in a particular way. Thus, genetic engineering is also used in gene therapy to bring in healthy genes to counteract the effects of mutations.

While different vectors, different source DNA, and different cell populations can be used, this basic process that underlies the creation of transgenes is essentially the same in the different types of organisms – animals, insects, bacteria, or plants.

Follow the transgenesis process

In general, developing transgenic organisms involves three major steps:
  1. Find (and potentially alter) the gene that controls trait(s) of interest.
  2. Slip the transgene into an appropriate delivery vehicle (a vector).
  3. Create fully transgenic organisms that pass on the new gene on to future generations.
The process of finding and mapping genes is pretty similar from one organism to another and has been made much easier now that so many different organisms have had their genomes sequenced. After scientists identify the gene they want to transfer, they many need to alter the gene so that it works properly outside the original organism.

Make a transgene using recombinant DNA technology

Recombinant DNA technology involves taking DNA from two different sources, cutting it, and then putting the pieces back together in different combinations. This process has been used for decades in order to clone genes or other segments of DNA. When we say “clone genes,” we mean to isolate the gene (various methods exist for doing this), insert it into a vector (such as a bacterial plasmid — a circular piece of DNA from a bacterium), and replicate in appropriate host cells, in order to create exact copies of the gene. In order to clone a gene, the DNA first needs to be cut. To do this, scientists use restriction enzymes.
Restriction enzymes are naturally made by bacteria, which use these proteins as a defense for viral infection. More than 3000 restriction enzymes have been characterized, with each one cutting DNA at a very specific sequence. For example, a common restriction enzyme known as EcoRI (which is made by the bacterium E. coli) cuts specifically at the sequence 5'-GAATTC-3'. EcoRI is also known to cut DNA so that sticky ends results — that is, it leaves short single-stranded DNA sequences at the ends of the cut fragments. The following figure shows how a restriction enzyme can cut DNA to leave sticky ends. The AATT overhang allows another fragment with a complementary end to come in and bind here. So, if you cut a fragment of human DNA with EcoRI and you cut a bacterial plasmid with EcoRI, both would end up having the same sticky ends. When you combined them, the fragment of human DNA can then be inserted between the two sticky ends of the bacterial plasmid. The plasmid can then be introduced into bacterial cells, which are grown in culture. In every new bacterial cell, there will be a copy of the plasmid vector containing the gene of interest. The gene is considered cloned after it is placed in the vector and the vector has been reproduced.

Modify the gene to reside in its new home

All genes must have promoter sequences, the genetic landmarks that identify the start of a gene, to allow transcription to occur. When it comes to creating a transgenic organism, the promoter sequence in the original organism may not be very useful in the new host; as a result, a new promoter sequence is needed to make sure the gene gets turned on when and where it’s wanted. Using the same recombinant DNA techniques used in cloning a gene, an appropriate promoter can be inserted upstream of the gene to introduced, such that the gene would now be under the control of the designated promoter. Some promoters that are used are set to keep the gene on continually in all the cells of the organism. Other promoters are used because they only turn on (express the gene) in certain cell types or at a certain point in development. When more precise regulation is needed, genetic engineers can use promoters that respond to conditions in the environment. In addition to the promoter, genetic engineers must also find a good companion gene — called a marker gene — to accompany the transgene. The marker gene provides a strong and reliable signal indicating that the whole unit (marker and transgene) is in place and working. Common markers include genes that convey resistance to antibiotics. With these kinds of markers, geneticists grow transgenic cells in a medium that contains the antibiotic. Only those that have resistance (conveyed by the marker gene) survive, providing a quick and easy way to tell which cells have the transgene (alive) and which don’t (dead). Other markers or reported genes that can be used are those that allow for visualization of transgene expression, such as the gene for green fluorescent protein.