C. Michael Woodward

C. Michael Woodward, MPH, is a speaker, lecturer, corporate trainer, peer counselor, and coach. He has enlightened thousands of people across the country on matters of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. His essay, “Manning Up,” became the title piece for the critically acclaimed anthology Manning Up: Transsexual Men on Finding Brotherhood, Family, and Themselves (Transgress Press, 2014). He provides policy and best practices consulting, inclusive strategic planning services, and sexual orientation and gender identity and expression education to employers, health care providers, law enforcement, policy makers, educators, and others. A native of Indiana, Michael earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Public and Corporate Communication from Butler University in 1986. He completed graduate studies in 2014 at the University of Arizona, where he achieved a Master of Public Health Policy and Management degree and a Graduate Certificate in Collaborative Governance.

Articles From C. Michael Woodward

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What Does It Mean To Be Transgender?

Article / Updated 05-24-2023

Terms such as transgender and gender identity have been in the news a lot in recent years. Awareness of gender diversity and transgender people has increased dramatically — in health care, in the media, in the workplace, and in politics. As more transgender people are comfortable sharing who they are, the number of Americans who say they know transgender people has gone up. In 2021, 42 percent — about 4 in 10 — Americans said they personally know someone who is transgender, according to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center. That's an increase of five percentage points since 2017. Also, about a quarter of Americans (26 percent) said they know someone who goes by gender-neutral pronouns, the 2021 Pew study found. Until you have a chance to get to know some people who identify as transgender and hear their stories, it’s natural to be confused or to have questions or concerns. What’s the difference between sex and gender? Before digging into what the word transgender means, make sure you've got down the basic definitions of sex and gender. People tend to use these two terms interchangeably, but the terms sex and gender refer to different characteristics about an individual. Here’s what’s really going on. Assigned sex A person’s sex or assigned sex generally refers to the body’s biological make-up — including reproductive organs as well as chromosomes. Most people are assigned either male or female after a quick visual inspection by a doctor in the hospital delivery room, or even earlier through medical technology such as an ultrasound. Courts in different states have used various criteria (e.g., the ability to bear a child, XX versus XY chromosomes, and so on) by which to make an “either/or” decision about whether a person should be considered male or female. Sex is really not a binary classification; it just happens to be dominated by two sexes: male and female. This is true throughout nearly all known species of life. For that reason, every attempt by courts to draw a definitive line in the sand has been faulty, as many exceptions can be demonstrated for each one. Gender Gender refers to the set of traits and characteristics that over time have come to be assumed of (some might say imposed upon) one’s assigned sex. Pretty much across the board, male-bodied people are assumed to be “boys” as children and “men” as adults. Female-bodied people are assumed to be “girls,” then “women.” From “boys don’t cry” to “that’s not very lady-like,” children are taught from an early age how they are expected to behave based on their sex, and those who misbehave usually have a price to pay. But what is a man, exactly? What is a woman? Why is a man “supposed” to be out working while the woman stays home to care for the children? Why is an assertive man considered to be confident and compelling, while an assertive woman with the same type of personality is called all kinds of unflattering names? Those assumed stereotypical characteristics about gender vary from culture to culture and from generation to generation, however. Reflecting on U.S. history, pink and red were long considered bold, passionate colors more appropriate for men (“The Redcoats are coming!”). The more “delicate and dainty” blue was recommended for women. This color rule was reflective of the color differences often found in the animal world: the males are brightly colored in order to attract mates. The females don’t have to worry so much about what they look like, since they know the males will be interested either way. These color assignments didn’t change until 1947, when famed designer Christian Dior initiated a pink-dominated fashion reset for women returning to homemaking after working in factories during World War II. Suddenly, anything marketed to women had to be pink. Soon after, any man who dared to like pink was eschewed. What is gender identity? Believe it or not, until as recently as the 1960s, being left-handed was considered shameful, awkward, and unnatural in some cultures, including much of the United States. Many left-handed school children were literally forced to write with only their right hands, regardless of which one was naturally dominant — sometimes even beaten or punished if they did not or could not comply. As a result, left-handers suppressing their true nature often not only had atrocious penmanship, but tended to do poorly in school and otherwise failed to thrive. This forced compliance served to perpetuate the stereotype that lefties were somehow defective and needed to be made, well, “right.” These days, most folks wouldn’t dream of punishing a child for favoring the left hand over the right. Everyone has a dominant hand. It's understood that most people are right-handed, but some are naturally left-handed. Some write with the left, but do everything else with the right. Others are ambidextrous, or comfortable using either hand for the same tasks. Science doesn’t yet completely understand exactly why this variance happens, but it does. Gender identity, sometimes called affirmed gender, refers to an individual’s own psychological sense of self — who you know yourself to be. Similar to handedness, everyone has a dominant, persistent gender identity, and that identity is considered to be an immutable core psychological characteristic. It’s not a matter of preference and not something you can simply change because you want to. Just like knowing whether you are left- or right-handed, it’s hard-wired in the brain. Borrowed from organic chemistry, the Latin prefixes cis- (“on this side”) and trans- (“across from”) are used to describe which type of gender identity someone has: cisgender or transgender. Cisgender Anyone whose gender identity is harmoniously aligned with the sex they were assigned at birth is considered cisgender. In most cases, cisgender identity is taken for granted, because the vast majority of the population enjoy the luxury of having a gender identity that fits relatively well with their assigned sex. Most people who are assigned female at birth know themselves to be women, for example, and they’re okay with that. They might not enjoy every single thing about what it means to be a woman in today’s world. (You sure can’t blame them if pantyhose is high on that list!) But overall, they’re satisfied with being women. So, for cisgender people, their gender identity is “on this side” with their assigned sex. Transgender When one’s gender identity is “across from” one’s assigned sex, that person is in essence transgender, although they may or may not use this word to describe themselves. The term transgender itself is used both to describe a particular type of gender identity as well as sort of a shortcut to collectively describe a whole bunch of different types of people whose genders don’t fit neatly into the M or F checkbox. Some other words you might hear are transsexual, gender-creative, bigender, trans man or trans woman, genderqueer, gender-diverse, affirmed male or affirmed female, a woman (or man) of transsexual history, non-binary, questioning, agender, and many others. It’s impossible to define each of these different terms accurately. Like genes, individual people’s identities are as different as snowflakes, including the words they use to define their gender and what those words mean to them. Culture, race, ethnicity, and community traditions often influence the terms people use as well. Transgender (or just simply trans) is currently the most commonly used term. But don’t assume that it works in every situation. It’s important to use whatever term(s) the person uses. Anything else is considered rude. Along these same lines, don’t assume that everyone who is transgender addresses the situation in the same way. Being transgender doesn’t automatically mean a person needs to change anything, although most trans people tend to make at least minor adjustments to ease the anguish they’re experiencing. It could be as simple as choosing a less gendered name, such as going from Mary Ann to Jordan, or from Richard to Rey. If the individual’s level of discomfort and distress is more intense, they may pursue more comprehensive treatment, which might include cross-sex hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and perhaps gender-confirming surgical procedures. These procedures are considered medically necessary — life-saving, in fact — for many people. Several federal, state, local, and corporate policies now include nondiscrimination protection for gender identity, including Medicare and the IRS. Only the individual can say for sure whether they are transgender, cisgender, or anything else — it’s not something you can decide for someone else, not even if you’re a doctor. Nor can you simply tell if someone is or is not transgender by looking at them. Because it is such an innate thing, a lot of people might not think of themselves as somehow gender “transgressive,” even when other people might think it is very obvious. But if you ask them, they might say, “Nope, I’m not trans, I’m just me!” On the other hand, most transgender people don’t look or act any differently than the rest of the people out there, so you’d never know that their lives’ journeys had taken a few more turns and detours than most. Just to be clear, intersex and transgender are not the same thing. Intersex is a mix of physiological sex characteristics, while transgender is a conflict between a core psychological characteristic (gender) and a core physiological characteristic (sex). What is gender expression? Gender expression is a set of visual cues and other signals intended to help others of your species determine how to interact with you. Your gender expression is how you show the world your gender identity. Gender is expressed or presented in myriad ways. The signals can include what you wear, how you sound when you talk, how long you wear your hair, and even what you call yourself or do for a living. Some people have a feminine gender expression, some are masculine or manly, and some are androgynous (a little of both or none of either). It all depends on what feels right to that person in that moment. Just as sex characteristics will develop differently in each person, one individual’s gender expression is going to be a little bit different than another’s. Babies are not born wearing lipstick or neckties. Nevertheless, Western society has some very rigid group-think ideas about how a person of a particular sex should look and behave. Those rules mean that a male-bodied person is supposed to consider himself a man (whatever that is), and “act like one,” too. Ask any guy who prefers a good book over the Super Bowl how many times other people have questioned his masculinity if he admitted that fact in public: “Man up, dude! What the heck’s wrong with you?” If the eyes see a tall, broad-shouldered person with a square jaw and the ears hear a deep voice, the brain takes that input, runs its high-speed data analysis process, and returns the results: male. The mouth then automatically wants to say “Hello, sir.” But what if that same tall, broad-shouldered person is wearing a beautiful dress, a string of pearls, lipstick, and a tasteful dash of blush? How should you respond? Well, if you were paying attention a moment ago, you know that gender expression helps you show the world who you are. So if in your culture women often wear beautiful dresses, pearls, and makeup, and this person is wearing all those things and introduces herself as Susan, you should say “Hello, ma’am. Nice to meet you, Susan.” Susan is showing you (expressing) that she’s a woman with the things she can control (feminine attire, feminine name) and hoping you can ignore or at least not include those things she can’t so easily control (her height, for example). Thus, it’s appropriate and respectful to refer to her with feminine pronouns and use the name she provided when she introduced herself.

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What Is Mendeley?

Step by Step / Updated 04-25-2016

Mendeley is a free online academic research tool that helps you keep research, references, and citations organized. Mendeley is also an academic social network, bringing together researchers from all over the world to talk about their work. Using Mendeley saves you time by managing PDF and other research files, automatically compiling key information from your files for easy reference and citation building.

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What Is EndNote?

Article / Updated 04-25-2016

EndNote is a multiplatform software tool that helps you manage the process of writing and preparing research papers. You can be much more focused on the actual writing of the paper if you let EndNote do the heavy lifting for you. EndNote will manage PDF and other research files, automatically compiling key information from your files for easy reference and citation building. In addition to using EndNote on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, you also have access to the EndNote website, where you can connect with your University library system to search for millions of research papers and journal articles. EndNote is available with a 30-day free trial, so you can try it before you buy it. And if you’re a student, chances are you can buy it for a wicked discount. Point-and-shoot citations in EndNote The star feature of EndNote is the plug-in for Microsoft Word. The tools in the EndNote plug-in help you build and insert citations while you write your paper, so you’re not stuck with hunting down and cleaning up all those critical citation and bibliography details at the last minute. From Word, you just put the cursor where you want to place the citation and then click on Insert Citation on the EndNote toolbar. Next, tell EndNote what you want to cite and using what citation style, click on Insert, and voila! Your citation appears next to the text, exactly the way you need it to look — assuming your source records are complete, of course. EndNote will do the same thing for the figure and table references in your document — automatically number and cite your figures, illustrations, tables, and other numbered elements. The even better news is that it automatically builds a bibliography at the end of the document as you work, formatted according to the style you have selected in Word’s EndNote toolbar. EndNote does a lot for you, but ultimately you’re still the one responsible for the details. Each time you add a new source, be sure to take the time right then and there to fill in any missing details in the record that EndNote didn’t pick up from the file. That way, you won’t be stuck having to hunt down those nit-picky details two hours before your paper is due. One-step research connections through EndNote Why leave Word, go to your browser, and fiddle around with the clunky campus interface to get to those massive research libraries like PubMed? You can search your university library resources directly from EndNote. EndNote’s Online Search feature provides the same type of library search tools you’re used before, but you don’t have to leave EndNote to do your search. Just log in using your school credentials, and you’re all set. EndNote website tools and features As if all that good stuff was not enough, EndNote.com includes some really helpful online tools that are worth checking out, especially if you anticipate using EndNote for the long haul. First of all, of course you have access to your full library of research papers and other documents that you have collected and saved. You can create new records in your library manually or by importing them, and view, edit, or delete records or attachments to records. You can even delete attachments easily without otherwise affecting the library record. This is very handy if your collection becomes so unwieldy that it affects your browser speed or your available space is running low. Source: endnote.com Using Groups, you can sort your research into topical folders and optionally share them with cohorts or co-workers. The Format tab helps you automate the process of formatting your paper or portions thereof. (It’s also where you find the plug-in for Word.) Match is kinda cool: plug in the title and abstract for your manuscript, and EndNote will suggest some journals to which you might want to submit your article for publishing. The suggestions are based on an analysis of the abstract content. No promises on the actual publishing, though — it’s just a referral for you to check out if you’re interested. Source: endnote.com Options, as you might suspect, is the catch-all spot for account preferences and controls, such as changing your password, editing your profile, or changing the default language. Finally, Connect is EndNote’s venture into social media and crowd-sourcing research. It’s still under development so it’s not particularly active at the moment, but that could change as soon as it officially launches. Source: endnote.com

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How to Use Mendeley Mobile

Step by Step / Updated 04-25-2016

Mendeley, the popular citation management program, is really powerful as a desktop application. But like most software today, it gets even better if you can take it with you on the road. To that end, check out Mendeley Mobile.

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How to Manage Documents in Mendeley

Step by Step / Updated 04-25-2016

Mendeley can be a student or researcher’s best friend. The citation management tool keeps all the pesky details about your research sources in order so you don’t have to. As long as you manage your library well, Mendeley makes inserting citations and bibliographies into your research paper almost brainless. Always, proofread all citations and the bibliography before you submit your paper or publication. Neither Word nor Mendeley will warn you if there’s a problem with a citation or if data is missing from a particular source. Mendeley will do most of the work for you, but it’s ultimately your responsibility to make sure it looks right. This article shows how to manage your Mendeley library from the Mendeley website. You can do all these steps and more using the desktop app for Mac, Windows, or Linux, and most of it can also be accomplished on Mendeley Mobile for smartphones and tablets.

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How to Generate Citations in Mendeley

Step by Step / Updated 04-25-2016

While Mendeley is a great research organizational tool all on its own, the plug-in for Microsoft Word is one optional feature that many people appreciate more than anything. If you use Mendeley Desktop to organize all of your research documents and you use Word to write your paper, just install the MS Word Plugin the headache of citations and bibliographies suddenly goes away. You must have a Mendeley account and be running the Mendeley Desktop app to install and use the Word plug-in. There’s no direct hook-up between the web-based version to your word processor. Mendeley Desktop works with Windows, Mac, and Linux. The citation plug-in in this article is for Microsoft Word. A similar plug-in is available for Open Office users. Mendeley will suggest the one you need based on what it finds on your computer.

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How to Run a Meeting in GoToMeeting

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

After you’ve set up a GoToMeeting account and your profile, scheduling your first meeting is really easy. To get started, sign in to your account so you can end up at your home page. To use the professional editions of GoToMeeting, you may need to download a plug-in or add-in for your browser or an app for your smartphone at various points in the process. If this is your first time logging in, allow an extra couple of minutes to get your device or PC ready. It’s not complicated; GoToMeeting will do most of the work for you.

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How to Set up a GoToMeeting Account

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

This tutorial walks you through setting up your GoToMeeting account, whether you pay for it up front or take it for a test drive with the 30-day free trial. After you’ve attended a few online meetings using GoToMeeting, you’ll probably wonder how you ever managed teleconferencing without it. It’s free to attend someone else’s meeting by invitation, but to host a meeting and take advantage of all the great GoToMeeting features, you need an account.

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How to Join a GoToMeeting in Progress

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

You can connect to a meeting happening over GoToMeeting using your desktop computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux), your smartphone, or your tablet. This article shows how it works on an iPad; other devices will be very similar. The screens might look a little different, but the steps will be essentially the same.

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How to Use the MyFitnessPal Food Diary

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

MyFitnessPal does a lot of great things to help you live a healthy life, but the Food Diary and Calorie Counter feature is far and away the program’s greatest strength. MyFitnessPal (MFP) boasts a database of more than five million foods, with more added every day. You can scan in the UPC bar code for any food, beverage, or dietary supplement; see the nutritional breakdown; log the item on your diary; and then use it again later without having to scan again. MFP also features an astonishingly easy way to import and analyze recipes for their per-serving nutritional content. You can enter everything you ate in the day all in just about five minutes — although it’s better to enter things as you eat them rather than try to remember at the end of the day. You can also use MyFitnessPal online from any browser without a mobile device, so don’t let the lack of a smartphone stop you from learning how to eat right and lose weight.

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