
Nine Basic CSS Categories to Use in Web Design

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2016-03-26 15:52:11
HTML & CSS Essentials For Dummies
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Most CSS styles fall into nine basic style and positioning categories. This list can help you keep track of all the cool things you can do with CSS:

  • TYPE: Font family, size, style, weight, color, decoration

  • BACKGROUND: Background color, image position, and repeat

  • BLOCK: Word and letter spacing, text alignment, block display

  • BOX: Width, height, padding, and margin of an element, float, clear

  • BORDER: Border style, width, color for up to four sides of an element

  • LIST: List styles, custom bullets, bullet position

  • POSITIONING: Position, size, visibility, z-index, placement, and clip of elements

  • EXTENSIONS: Special cursor and filter effects, page break options

  • TRANSITION: Animate objects using properties, duration, delay, and timing

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Sue Jenkins is a working designer as well as a design trainer and author. Her design firm, Luckychair, provides design services for web, logo, and print. Jenkins has also created a series of courses on popular Adobe design tools including Photoshop and Illustrator.