
United States Tax Deadlines for Your eBay Business

2017-12-10 03:30:52
eBay For Seniors For Dummies
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No one likes to deal with taxes, especially if you're late in filing. So keep track of your eBay business transactions and know when the deadlines are to file your taxes. Note: Please check with your state government offices for due dates on sales taxes and license fees.
  • 15th of every month: Prior month payroll tax deposit date (if you're on the monthly deposit system)
  • January 15: Estimated taxes due
  • January 31: Last day to distribute 1099s and W2s to people you paid during the prior year
  • January 31: Payroll reports due for quarterly period ending 12/31
  • February 1: Last day to send the government copies of your 1099s and W2s
  • February 28: 1099-MISC (nonemployee compensation needs to be sent out)
  • March 15: Calendar-year corporation tax due
  • April 15: Deadline for Individual or Partnership Annual Tax return or deadline to file an extension
  • April 15: Estimated taxes due
  • April 30: Payroll reports for period ending 3/31 due
  • June 15: Estimated taxes due
  • July 31: Payroll reports for quarterly period ending 6/30 due
  • September 15: Estimated taxes due
  • October 31: Payroll reports for quarterly period ending 9/30 due
If the due date falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, the due date is the first business day after that date.

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About the book author:

Marsha Collier is a renowned social media strategist and bestselling author. She authored all editions of eBay For Dummies and co-hosts Computer and Technology Radio. Marsha even made headlines in 2014 when her husband proposed to her over Twitter—the first social media engagement on record!