If you’ve won an eBay auction, you’re most likely to find it out from either the seller or the Won section of your My eBay page. As a rule, you won’t hear about it right away from eBay. eBay tries to get its End of Sale e-mails out pronto, but sometimes there’s a bit of lag time.
The Buy section of your My eBay summary page shows you all your bidding, watching, and buying action on the site. Click the My eBay link in the navigation bar at the top of the page to get to your summary page. Then click the Won link in the Buy summary area at the left of the page. You’ll see that eBay highlights the titles of auctions you’ve won and indicates the amount of each winning bid.

Throughout the bidding process, dollar amounts of items that you’re winning appear in green on your My eBay Active page. If you’ve been outbid, those amounts appear in red, and you’ll see a red bar that reads OUTBID.

If you find that you’re the winner, proceed as soon as possible to Checkout and pay for your item. An easy way to get to Checkout is to go to the listing and click the Pay Now link you will find there.