Finding merchandise to sell on eBay is as easy as checking your garage — and as tough as clambering up into the attic. You can sell on eBay just about anything you bought and stashed away (because you didn’t want it, forgot about it, or it didn’t fit).
To find an item to sell on eBay, start by looking in your closet and find what’s just hanging around:
Clothing that no longer fits or is out of fashion. Don’t forget that pair of shoes you wore once and put away.
Any name-brand item with an intact label that’s in new or almost-new condition.
Vintage magazines — sell them whole or mount the ads in a matte and sell them as art.
Kids’ clothes. Kids outgrow things fast. Use profits from the old items to buy new clothes that your grandchildren can grow into.
Have the articles of clothing in the best condition possible before you put them up for sale. For example, clean and buff shoes until they’re like new. According to eBay’s policies, clothing must be cleaned before shipping.
Also consider selling what’s parked in your basement, garage, or attic:
Old radios, stereo and video equipment, and 8-track systems: Watch these items fly out of your house — especially the 8-track players (believe it or not, people love’em).
Books you finished reading long ago and don’t want to read again: Some books with early copyright dates or first editions by famous authors earn big money on eBay.
Leftovers from an abandoned hobby: Who knew that building miniature dollhouses was so much work? And if you’re into needlework, you probably have one or two (three or four) unfinished projects hanging around.
Unwanted gifts: Have a decade’s worth of birthday, graduation, or holiday gifts collecting dust? List them on eBay.
Check for saleable stuff that might be lounging around in your living room or bedroom:
Home décor you want to change: Lamps, chairs, and rugs (especially if they’re antiques) sell quickly. If you think an item is valuable but you’re not sure, get it appraised first.
Exercise equipment: If you’re like most people, you bought this stuff with every intention of getting in shape, but now all that’s building up is dust. Get some exercise carrying all that equipment to the post office after you’ve sold it on eBay.
Records, videotapes, and laser discs: Sell them after you’ve upgraded to new audio and video formats such as DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) or DAT (Digital Audio Tape). (Think Betamax is dead? You may be surprised.)
Autographs: All types of autographs — from sports figures, celebrities, and world leaders — are popular on eBay. Here’s a word of caution: A lot of fakes are on the market, so make sure that what you’re selling (or buying) is the real thing.
If you’re in the market for an autograph, don’t even consider bidding on one unless it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA). Many sellers take authenticity so seriously that they give buyers the right to a full refund if any doubt about authenticity crops ups. If you’re planning on selling autographs on eBay, be sure to review the special eBay rules that apply to these items.