How you refer to your friends will probably determine whether you choose to sort the contacts list on your iPad alphabetically by last name or first name. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars; scroll down to the Contacts section; and peek at Sort Order.
Then tap Last, First or First, Last. You can determine whether you want to display a first name or last name first by tapping Display Order and then choosing First, Last or Last, First. You can also go with a short name to fit more names on the screen.
You can choose a first name and last initial, first initial and last name, first name only, or last name only. If you prefer nicknames, you can choose those instead, when available.
Meanwhile, tap Show in App Switcher so that when you double-click the Home button, you can quickly access your tablet favorites and the recent people you’ve been schmoozing with (via phone calls and other conversations). Show in App Switcher is a terrific iOS 8 addition.
In My Info, make sure your own name is chosen so that Siri knows where you live, among other reasons.