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The Email app, as well as the newest version of Gmail, can be configured to pick up email from multiple sources on your Android tablet. If you have a Windows Live account or maybe an evil corporate account in addition to your ISP’s account, you can add them.

Both the Email and Gmail apps offer different ways to add a new email account. A more generic approach is to use the Settings app. Obey these directions:

  1. Open the Settings app.

    It’s found in the Apps drawer; tap the Apps icon on the Home screen to view the Apps drawer.

  2. Choose Accounts.

    On Samsung tablets, tap the General tab to locate the Accounts item.

  3. Tap Add Account.

    The three options for adding email accounts are:

    • Exchange or Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. For a corporate email account hosted by an Exchange Server (Outlook mail)

    • Personal (IMAP). For web-based email accounts, such as Microsoft Live

    • Personal (POP3). For traditional, ISP-email accounts, such as Comcast

  4. Choose the proper Personal email account type.

  5. Type your email address and tap the Next button

  6. Type the email account password and tap the Next button.

  7. Continue working through the email setup as you did with your first email account.

    Start with Step 5, where you review the account settings.

The only change between creating the first email account and adding more is that you will be asked whether the new account is the primary or default account.

The new email account is synchronized immediately after it’s added, and you see the inbox.

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