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Kebabs — or kabobs — don't need to be the grease-fest that you get from a street vendor on a night out. Try these delicious healthy chicken kebabs for a light and tasty snack and remind yourself of what kebabs are supposed to taste like.

You need two wooden skewers for this recipe -- you can find kebab or barbecue skewers in most supermarkets. Before you start cooking, soak the skewers in a bowl or tray of water to stop them burning under the grill.

Healthy Chicken Kebabs (Kabobs)

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Yield: 2 servings

2 skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces

Drizzle of olive oil

Mixed spice (see the following Mixed Spice recipe)

Ground coriander (not essential)

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

1/2 lemon

  1. Place the chicken pieces in a bowl and drizzle with olive oil.

  2. Add a pinch of mixed spice, ground coriander (if you're using any) and the chopped garlic, followed by a big squeeze of lemon.

  3. Mix all the ingredients together and leave for around 20 minutes for the chicken to absorb the flavours of the lemon and spices.

  4. Turn the grill (or broiler) on to full power.

  5. Push the meat on the skewers, evenly spaced apart.

    Place under the preheated grill.

  6. Rotate the skewers every so often so that all sides turn golden brown, and brush on the marinade while they cook.

  7. After about 15 minutes, or when the meat looks golden brown, remove from the grill.

    Check that the meat is cooked by cutting open a piece and seeing if the inside is white (cooked). If it's still pink, put it back under the grill for another 5 minutes.

  8. Serve with some couscous, salad or just enjoy them on their own as a quick snack.

Per serving: Calories 345 (From Fat 85); Fat 9.4g (Saturated 1.9g); Cholesterol Trace; Sodium 111mg; Carbohydrate 0.8g (Dietary Fibre 0.2g); Protein 64.3g.

Mixed Spice

This recipe yields more Mixed Spice than you'll need for the Kebab recipe. Keep it on hand for other recipes that work with this spicy mix.

4 teaspoons cinnamon

2 teaspoons coriander

1 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ginger

1/4 teaspoon cloves

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