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The PMP Certification Exam will expect you to be able to differentiate between developing your team and managing your team. Managing the team has a different focus than developing the team. Developing the team is more team-focused, and managing the team is more team member–focused.

Manage Project Team. Tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing changes to optimize project performance.

Manage Project Team: Inputs

Looking at the team performance assessment and the work performance reports can help you determine where the trouble spots are in the project. Work performance reports provide information about the project status for scope, quality, schedule, cost, risks, and issues. The team performance assessments will tell you whether the team is working together well or whether there are pockets of conflict and dysfunction.

In addition to the team and work performance reports, you’re going to get your best information by walking around, talking with team members, and observing behavior. Of course, this is a bit more difficult with virtual teams. That just means you have to make a concerted effort to reach out and touch base with virtual team members to see what’s happening with them.

You aren’t going to be able to tell whether something is bothering a team member from individual progress reports: All you’re going to get is status. To get a feel for what is worrying the team member, what barriers he is encountering, and where you can step in and help, you have to get out from behind your desk and talk to people face to face.

Some team members might think that you’re being nosy or hovering, but to be effective, you need to see for yourself what’s happening.

The issue log contains information that you can use to identify whether a team member’s behavior is causing issues and to track team member progress on issue-resolution activities.

Manage Project Team: Outputs

The outcome of managing the team is mostly documentation updates. These include

  • Skill sets for individual team members (an enterprise environmental factor)

  • Input to team member performance appraisals (an organizational process asset update)

  • Project management plan components, such as the human resource plan

  • Change requests for staffing

  • Project documents, such as issue logs

Issue. A point or matter in question or in dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or over. There are opposing views or disagreements.

Issue log. A project document used to document and monitor elements under discussion or in dispute between project stakeholders.

An issue log is a good tool to use to track and manage issues. Common fields in an issue log include

  • Issue ID

  • Category

  • Issue

  • Impact on objectives

  • Urgency

  • Responsible party

  • Actions

  • Status

  • Due date

  • Comments

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