Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies book cover

Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies


  • Make sense of these difficult equations
  • Improve your problem-solving skills
  • Practice with clear, concise examples
  • Score higher on standardized tests and exams

Get the confidence and the skills you need to master differential equations!

Need to know how to solve differential equations? This easy-to-follow, hands-on workbook helps you master the basic concepts and work through the types of problems you'll encounter in your coursework. You get valuable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace, and step-by-step solutions to every equation. You'll also memorize the most-common types of differential equations, see how to avoid common mistakes, get tips and tricks for advanced problems, improve your exam scores, and much more!

More than 100 Problems!

Detailed, fully worked-out solutions to problems
The inside scoop on first, second, and higher order differential equations
A wealth of advanced techniques, including power series


Quick, refresher explanations
Step-by-step procedures
Hands-on practice exercises
Ample workspace to work out problems
Online Cheat Sheet
A dash of humor and fun

  • Make sense of these difficult equations
  • Improve your problem-solving skills
  • Practice with clear, concise examples
  • Score higher on standardized tests and exams

Get the confidence and the skills you need to master differential equations!

Need to know how to solve differential equations? This easy-to-follow, hands-on workbook helps you master the basic concepts and work through the types of problems you'll encounter in your coursework. You get valuable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace, and step-by-step solutions to every equation. You'll also

memorize the most-common types of differential equations, see how to avoid common mistakes, get tips and tricks for advanced problems, improve your exam scores, and much more!

More than 100 Problems!

Detailed, fully worked-out solutions to problems
The inside scoop on first, second, and higher order differential equations
A wealth of advanced techniques, including power series


Quick, refresher explanations
Step-by-step procedures
Hands-on practice exercises
Ample workspace to work out problems
Online Cheat Sheet
A dash of humor and fun

Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Once you’ve figured out the type of differential equation you’re dealing with, you can move on to solving the problem by using the method of undetermined coefficients or the power series method. If a stubborn equation comes your way, try using Laplace transform solutions to help.