LaReine Chabut

Larry Payne and Georg Feuerstein are the authors of Yoga All-In-One For Dummies, published by Wiley.

Articles From LaReine Chabut

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Core Strength For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 04-14-2022

Your core muscles stabilize the spine and pelvis and run the entire length of the torso. A strong core gives you better posture and stability and reduces back pain — a strong core also makes you less prone to aches when you have to stand for a long time or spend hours sitting in front of a computer. You can train your core in a variety of ways, and you can even use everyday items around the house to do so.

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Weight Training For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 02-15-2022

If you want to get into weight training, start by sorting fact from fiction. Don’t let stories you’ve heard about weight lifting keep you from the gym. You'll reach your fitness goals sooner by getting some simple home equipment and finding a qualified personal trainer. Follow some basic etiquette when working with a trainer and using the gym, and learn some muscle terminology so you’re comfortable with weight training.

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Yoga with Weights: What You Need to Get Started

Article / Updated 06-20-2019

To get started with Yoga with Weights, you need a little willpower, an open mind, and a sense of adventure; at least, those are the only intangibles you need. Taking the first step in any new activity is usually the hardest part. As for the tangibles, you need some equipment to get going. At minimum, you need a quiet and comfortable place to exercise, hand weights, and ankle weights. A yoga mat, the right clothes, and good shoes (for warming up) are also beneficial. The good news for you? These items don’t cost a bundle. Read on for more information about the gear and equipment you need for a Yoga with Weights workout. Bonnie Kamin]" width="535"/> Credit: Photograph by Bonnie Kamin Choosing hand- and ankle-weights You need two kinds of weights if you want to incorporate weight resistance into your yoga workouts: hand weights and ankle weights. Most sporting goods and athletic stores carry these weights. Here are some guidelines. Investing in weights of different sizes Opt for three sizes of hand and ankle weights: a pair of 1-pound weights, a pair of 3-pound weights, and a pair of 5-pound weights. Why not lift weights heavier than 5 pounds? Using 5-pound weights — in addition to the yoga poses — gives you a very solid workout. The 1-, 3-, or 5-pounders stretch your muscles, release tension in your muscles, and engage the muscles in the deep core of your body that you use for balance and stability. This added resistance from the weights forces your deep-core muscles to spring into action. Lifting weights heavier than 5 pounds may make you too top- or bottom-heavy and upset the balance and distribution of your body weight. The amount of resistance you want is up to you. Experiment with the different weights, and choose the size that gives you the best workout. Always start with the lightest hand or ankle weights and work your way up. Doing so allows you to start from your comfort zone and work your way into the weight that gives you the most fulfilling workout. If you start with the heaviest weight, you run the risk of straining yourself and pulling a muscle. Knowing which size weight to use How do you know which size weight (1-, 3-, or 5-pound) to use in a particular exercise? The size is ultimately up to you, but if you find yourself straining as you do an exercise, consider using a lighter weight. Some telltale signs that you should switch to a lighter weight include grunting, holding your breath, or experiencing shaking or cramping muscles. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Keep different sizes of weights at your side and test the different weights until you find the pair that engages you the best in an exercise. You may find yourself using different weights for different exercises. The surest way to know whether your choice of weights is the right one is to see how you feel after a workout. If your body feels weak and shaky, or you’re too sore the next day, you need lighter weights. If you finish a workout with the feeling of “comfortable discomfort” — a feeling that you’ve met the challenge and given yourself a good workout — you know that your choice in weights was the right one. Settling on the right yoga mat You need a solid, supporting surface to exercise on, and for that reason, using a yoga mat is a good idea for your safety. Mats give you padding, comfort, and protection, especially for your knees and spine. However, it isn’t necessary to have a yoga mat when you do Yoga with Weights exercises. You can exercise on a solid, non-slippery, close-weave type of carpet or clean, dry floor. If you’re taking a Yoga with Weights class in a gym, bring your own mat for hygiene purposes. Most gyms offer yoga mats, but they can get very sweaty. Rolling around in your own sweat is much more agreeable and hygienic than rolling around in a stranger’s sweat. When you shop for a yoga mat, look for one that stretches a little and gives you good support. Mats range from a fraction of an inch to an inch deep, but depth isn’t the real issue — cushioning is. The idea is to get some relief from the hard floor, and although comfort is fine, a spongy mat can be a nuisance because it doesn’t give you a solid base to work on. For your purposes, a quarter- to half-inch-thick mat is best because it offers comfort and stability; if you’re uncomfortable sitting on the floor or on your knees, get a mat that’s on the thick side. Also, the mat should be as long as you are tall plus about 6 inches; in other words, if you’re 5-feet-6, find a 6-foot yoga mat. Don’t select a foam mat; they’re too thick and too short for Yoga with Weights exercises. Foam mats are made for aerobic exercising. Wearing clothing that preserves modesty and movement Don’t wear shirts and pants that restrict your movements in any way or drag on the floor, and never wear a belt; the waistband of your pants must be loose so your breathing isn’t constricted or confined. For the sake of comfort, wear clothes with natural and breathable fibers. You can find these clothes in many sporting goods stores, outdoor outfitters, and yoga retail stores, as well as on the Internet. Follow these guidelines when choosing your undergarments: Women: Women should wear an athletic or spandex bra that lifts their breasts and presses them into their bodies. For top-heavy women, this factor is important for balancing as well as for comfort. Men: Men should wear tightly fitting — but not too tightly fitting — underwear from which no, ahem, items may escape and see the light of day. Spandex running shorts are excellent for Yoga with Weights. They support your muscles and keep them warm, and they permit you to move without restriction.

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8 Ways to Protect Your Lower Back

Article / Updated 09-09-2016

Yoga is well known for making people more flexible, supple, lithe, and limber. In fact, you’ve probably seen photographs of yogis or yoginis contorting themselves into different yoga postures. However, recent studies indicate that it’s a safe and effective option for relieving moderate low back pain. In a study funded by NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), participants suffering from chronic lower back pain were divided into three groups: one group took 12 weekly yoga classes, one group took 12 weekly stretching classes, and one group was given a self-care book and encouraged to exercise to relieve pain. At the end of the study, participants who had taken the yoga and stretching classes did significantly better than those in the self-care group — reducing using of medications to relieve pain and rating their back pain as better or completely gone — and these improvements lasted throughout the study timeframe. Given how prevalent low back pain is — according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), four out of five adults experience significant low back pain sometime during their lives — these findings can offer hope to millions of sufferers. Even better than treating low back pain is avoiding it altogether. Following are eight tips you can follow to reduce the risk of back pain when lifting and moving heavy weights: When standing, spread your feet shoulder-width apart to give yourself a solid base of support and then slightly bend your knees. Tighten your stomach muscles before lifting. Position the person or object close to your body before lifting. Lift with your leg muscles. Never lift an object by keeping your legs stiff while bending over it. Avoid twisting your body; instead, point your toes in the direction you want to move and pivot in that direction. When placing an object on a high shelf, move close to the shelf. During lifting movements, maintain the natural curve of your spine; don’t bend at your waist. Don’t try to lift something that’s too heavy or an awkward shape by yourself. Get help.

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Stretching For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 03-27-2016

There are so many little ways that improving your flexibility can help in your daily life. So, why not give stretching a try? Investing in a consistent stretching routine can help you maintain general health, avoid injury and reduce stress. Stretching can be as simple as touching your toes and can be done almost anywhere, at any time. So, no more worrying about when you will fit it into your work day.

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Yoga All-in-One Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 03-27-2016

Yoga itself is at least 5,000 years old, and yoga exercising — what you know as yoga postures, or asanas — emerged about 600 years ago. Even though yoga has evolved over the centuries as it traveled to new cultures, its principles are universal. Yoga is a practice of mind, body, breath, and spirit. The articles in the Cheat Sheet touch on the physical and mental benefits yoga offers, offer suggestions for how to enhance your yoga practice even when you’re on your own, and remind you why warming up is so important to any exercise routine — even one as “user-friendly” as yoga.

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How to Do the Bridge on an Exercise Ball

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

The bridge is one of the most classic positions for ball exercises. The bridge gives your hips and lower back a workout as you lift up your body.

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How to Do the Single-Leg Bridge on an Exercise Ball

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

A variation on the classic bridge, the single-leg bridge targets the hamstrings and glutes while working on an exercise ball. Because the single-leg bridge uses the weight of only one leg to support the weight of your entire body, the all-important core muscles (abs and butt muscles) also get a good workout.

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How to Do a Backbend Stretch on an Exercise Ball

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

The backbend stretch feels really good right after you do abdominal crunches because by bending backward on the exercise ball, you stretch your muscles in the opposite direction, reversing the motion of the crunch. This exercise focuses on working the lower body and also releases any tensions in your back that may have built up.

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How to Do a Torso Lift on an Exercise Ball

Step by Step / Updated 03-27-2016

The torso lift helps improve posture and strengthens all the muscles along the spine. Doing the torso lift after working on your abdominal muscles also feels really good because of the opposing motion — lifting up rather than curling in. This exercise focuses on working the lower body.

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