Gregory Bassham

Tom Morris is author of Philosophy For Dummies and 30 other books. He was a philosophy professor at The University of Notre Dame and now heads The Morris Institute for Human Values. Gregory Bassham is author of The Philosophy Book, an illustrated history of philosophy, and 10 other books. Gregory was a professor of philosophy at King’s College.

Articles From Gregory Bassham

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Stoicism For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 12-21-2023

Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that has become amazingly popular throughout the world in just the past few years. Philosophy? Popular? Yes, it is amazing. But it’s also true. In business, sports, entertainment, and the military, Stoicism is huge. Stoicism got its start in Athens, Greece around the year 300 BCE. This philosophy migrated to mighty Rome where it flourished as a very popular and highly practical way of living. But like so many once-popular philosophies, it began to wane in its public influence. But throughout the centuries, and especially in times of turbulence and turmoil, it seems that people have rediscovered this ancient body of wisdom, one that’s perfect for periods of disruptive change and uncertainty.

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