The Walkie-Talkie app isn’t available in all countries or regions. But no, you don’t need to be near each other like old-school walkie-talkies (like in the Stranger Things TV show)!
To get going, you have to fulfill two requirements:- You and your friend both need any version of Apple Watch, as long as you have the watchOS 5 operating system or later.
- You also both need to set up the FaceTime app on your iPhone and be able to make and receive FaceTime audio calls.
How to add friends to Walkie-Talkie
To do so:- Open the Walkie-Talkie app on your Apple Watch (it’s yellow and black).
- Press the yellow “+” sign and choose a contact. Wait for your friend to accept the invitation. The contact card will stay gray and is labeled “invited” until your friend accepts.
- After he or she accepts, the contact’s card turns yellow and you and your friend can now talk instantly.

To remove a friend, open the Walkie-Talkie app, swipe left on the friend, then tap the red X. Alternatively, you can open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap Walkie-Talkie-->Edit, tap the red - (minus), and then tap Remove to confirm.
How to start a Walkie-Talkie conversation
Now for the fun stuff:- Open the Walkie-Talkie app on your Apple Watch.
- Tap a friend’s contact.
- Touch and hold the talk button, and then say something. You might see the word connecting on the screen as the watches are attempting to wirelessly connect. After the connection is made, your friend can hear your voice and talk with you instantly.
- To talk over Walkie-Talkie, touch and hold the talk button, then say something; when you’re done, let go. Your friend instantly hears what you said. To change the volume, turn the Digital Crown.
Need a little peace and quiet? To turn Walkie-Talkie off, open the app and turn Available off or on.