Dog-proofing your home, yard, and garage is essential for keeping your Golden Retriever (and your house!) safe. Go through this list to create a pet-friendly place:
Keep medication bottles and cleaning supplies out of reach.
Don’t toss dental floss where your puppy can get into it.
Unplug electrical cords.
Beware of coins, socks, needles, and tinsel.
Watch out for stringy stuff like yarn and sewing gear.
Do not use roach or rodent poison or other pesticide in areas accessible to your puppy.
Keep the toilet lid down and never use toilet bowl cleaners.
Keep the diaper pail lid shut tight.
Hide all trash.
Hide your underwear.
Beware of certain chemicals, such as treated lumber products and flea control products.
Watch out for windows.
Hide the antifreeze.
Store weed killers, pesticides, and herbicides out of reach.
Ban cigarettes or at least keep those ashtrays clean.
Watch out for poisonous plants, such as Lily of the Valley, Oleander, Rhododendron, Japanese Yews, and Poinsettia.
Beware of herbicide hazards.