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Fishing For Dummies

October 6, 2020


The complete fisherman’s friend

The fully updated Fishing For Dummies, 3rd Edition, experienced angler and fishing writer Greg Schwipps shows that while none of us is born to angling, we can all achieve it—and become great at it. Whether you love fishing for fun or sport, this hands-on friendly guide has everything you need to make sure that there need never be such a thing as “the one that got away!”

From trout to carp, catfish to bonefish, freshwater to saltwater, the easy-to-follow pictures and tips help you recognize and deal with what you’ll

meet in the murky deep. You’ll also find out about the best times and the right spots to cast your line, as well as the right gear—which in these hi-tech days includes GPS, apps, and sonar!

  • Gear up with the right rod and tackle
  • Cast and bait effectively
  • Gut and clean your catch
  • Get hooked on new trends—kayak fishing!

Whatever your line—a quiet afternoon at the local creek, or a punishing morning’s whitewater kayaking followed by fishing the lonesome wild—Fishing For Dummies has you covered.

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By Greg Schwipps with Peter KaminskyTo catch fish consistently, anglers need to know some things about the fish they pursue and the habitat where those fish reside. A prepared angler is often a successful angler, so you can use a chart to help you decide what to bring on your next fishing trip. For more preparation, you should know common catches and their usual haunts.

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