ASVAB: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Online Practice)
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How about putting all the knowledge you’ve gained about the ASVAB Mathematics Knowledge subtest to the test? Here are ten questions that are very similar to those you’re likely to see when you take the actual test.

Sample questions

  1. Which of the following fractions is the smallest?

    • (A)3/4

    • (B)14/17

    • (C)4/7

    • (D)5/8

  2. Solve: 2x – 3 = x + 7.

    • (A)10

    • (B)6

    • (C)21

    • (D)–10

  3. A circle has a radius of 15 feet. What is most nearly its circumference?

    • (A)30 feet

    • (B)25 feet

    • (C)94 feet

    • (D)150 feet

  4. At 3 p.m., the angle between the hands of the clock is

    • (A)90 degrees

    • (B)180 degrees

    • (C)120 degrees

    • (D)360 degrees

  5. If 3 + y ≥ 13, what is the value of y?

    • (A)Greater than or equal to 10

    • (B)Less than or equal to 10

    • (C)10

    • (D)6

  6. y3 × y2 × y–3 =

    • (A)y2

    • (B)y–18

    • (C)y8

    • (D)x23

  7. 14 yards + 14 feet =

    • (A)16 yards

    • (B)15 yards

    • (C)28 feet

    • (D)56 feet

  8. What is 35 percent of 85?

    • (A)33.2

    • (B)65.32

    • (C)21.3

    • (D)29.75

  9. What is most nearly the average of 37, 22, 72, and 44?

    • (A)43.8

    • (B)5.2

    • (C)175

    • (D)77.1

Answers and explanations

Use this answer key to score the practice Mathematics Knowledge questions.

  1. C. One method of comparing fractions is called the cross-product method.

    The cross-products of the first fraction and the second fraction are 3 × 17 = 51 and 14 × 4 = 56. The first fraction is smaller.

    The cross-products of the first fraction and the third fraction are 3 × 7 = 21 and 4 × 4 = 16. The third fraction is smaller.

    The cross-products of the third fraction and the fourth fraction are 4 × 8 = 32 and 5 × 7 = 35. The third fraction, Choice (C), is still smaller, so it’s the smallest of all the fractions.

  2. A. Rearrange the equation and solve as follows:

  3. C. The circumference of a circle is ð × diameter; the diameter equals two times the radius; and ð is approximately 3.14. Therefore, 30 × 3.14 ≈ 94.

    The ≈ sign means approximately equals. It’s used here because the answer, 94, is a rounded number.

  4. A. At 3 p.m., one hand is on the 12, and the other is on the 3. This setup creates a right angle — a 90-degree angle.

  5. A. Solve the inequality the same way you’d solve an algebraic equation:

  6. A. When you multiply powers with the same base, add the exponents: y3 × y2 × y–3 = y3 + 2 + (–3) = y2.

  7. D. Convert the yards to feet by multiplying by 3: 14 × 3 = 42 feet. Add this to 14 feet:42 + 14 = 56 feet.

  8. D. Multiply 85 by the decimal equivalent of 35 percent, or 0.35: 0.35 × 85 = 29.75.

  9. A. Add the numbers and then divide by the number of terms: 37 + 22 + 72 + 44 = 175, and 175 ÷ 4 = 43.75. Round this number up to 43.8.

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