ASVAB: 1001 Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Online Practice)
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Use these ASVAB questions to get used to the general test structure and to practice some of the concepts you need to know for this test. When you’re ready, take a full blown practice exam.

Sample questions

  1. If apples are on sale at 15 for $3, what is the cost of each apple?

    • (A)50¢

    • (B)25¢

    • (C)20¢

    • (D)30¢

  2. A noncommissioned officer challenged her platoon of 11 enlisted women to beat her record of performing a 26-mile training run in four hours. If all the enlisted women match her record, how many miles will they have run?

    • (A)71.5 miles

    • (B)6.5 miles

    • (C)286 miles

    • (D)312 miles

  3. Margaret gets her hair cut and colored at an expensive salon in town. She is expected to leave a 15 percent tip for services. If a haircut is $45 and a color treatment is $150, how much of a tip should Margaret leave?

    • (A)$22.50

    • (B)$29.25

    • (C)$20.00

    • (D)$195.00

  4. A bag of sand holds 1 cubic foot of sand. How many bags of sand are needed to fill a square sandbox measuring 5 feet long and 1 foot high?

    • (A)5 bags

    • (B)10 bags

    • (C)15 bags

    • (D)25 bags

  5. The day Samantha arrived at boot camp, the temperature reached a high of 90 degrees in the shade and a low of –20 degrees at night in the barracks. What is the average between the high and low temperatures for the day?

    • (A)35 degrees

    • (B)45 degrees

    • (C)70 degrees

    • (D)62 degrees

  6. Farmer Beth has received an offer to sell her 320-acre farm for $3,000 per acre. She agrees to give the buyer $96,000 worth of land. What fraction of Farmer Beth’s land is the buyer getting?

    • (A)1/4

    • (B)1/10

    • (C)1/5

    • (D)2/3

  7. A map is drawn so that 1 inch equals 3 miles. On the map, the distance from Kansas City to Denver is 192.5 inches. How far is the round trip from Kansas City to Denver in miles?

    • (A)192.5 miles

    • (B)577.5 miles

    • (C)385 miles

    • (D)1,155 miles

  8. Margaret and Julie can sell their store for $150,000. They plan to divide the proceeds according to the ratio of the money they each invested in the business. Margaret put in the most money, at a 3:2 ratio to Julie. How much money should Julie get from the sale?

    • (A)$50,000

    • (B)$30,000

    • (C)$60,000

    • (D)$90,000

  9. In the military, 1/4 of an enlisted person’s time is spent sleeping and eating, 1/12 is spent standing at attention, 1/6 is spent staying fit, and 2/5 is spent working. The rest of the time is spent at the enlisted person’s own discretion. How many hours per day does this discretionary time amount to?

    • (A)6 hours

    • (B)1.6 hours

    • (C)2.4 hours

    • (D)3.2 hours

  10. Train A is headed east at 55 mph. Train B is also heading east on an adjacent track at 70 mph. At the end of four hours, how much farther will train B have traveled than train A?

    • (A)40 miles

    • (B)50 miles

    • (C)60 miles

    • (D)70 miles

Answers and explanations

Use this answer key to score the practice Arithmetic Reasoning questions.

  1. C. Divide $3 by 15.

  2. C. Multiply 26 × 11. The other information in the question is irrelevant; it’s there to throw you off.

  3. B. Add $45 and $150 and multiply the answer by 15 percent, or 0.15.

  4. D. The volume formula for a square or rectangular box is v = lwh, so v = 5 × 5 × 1 = 25 cubic feet. Each bag holds 1 cubic foot of sand.

  5. A. Add the two temperatures given and then divide by the number of terms, 2: (90 + –20) ÷ 2 = 70 ÷ 2 = 35.

  6. B. $96,000 divided by $3,000 (the price per acre) equals 32 acres, and 32 acres divided by 320 acres (the total size of the farm) equals 10 percent, or 1/10 of the land.

  7. D. Multiply 192.5 × 3 to get the distance in miles and then double the answer to account for both legs of the trip.

  8. C. Margaret should get 3/5 of the money and Julie should get 2/5 of the money. The fractions are calculated by adding both sides of the ratio together (3 + 2 = 5) to determine the denominator. Each side of the ratio then becomes a numerator, so Margaret’s investment can be shown to be 3/5 of the total investment, and Julie’s is 2/5 of the total investment.

    You can check these fractions by adding 3/5 and 2/5 to get 5/5 or 1, which is all the money.) Divide $150,000 by 5, and then multiply the answer by 2 to determine Julie’s share of the money.

  9. C. Calculate this answer by first assigning a common denominator of 60 to all the fractions and adjusting the numerators accordingly:


    Add the fractions to find out how much time is allotted to all these tasks. The total is 54/60, which leaves 6/60 or 1/10 of the day to the enlisted person’s discretion. 1/10of 24 hours is 2.4 hours.

  10. C. The distance formula is d = rt. Plug in the known values:

    • Train A: d = 55 × 4 = 220 miles

    • Train B: d = 70 × 4 = 280 miles

      Train B traveled 280 – 220 = 60 miles farther than train A.

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