Cheryl Farr Leas

Cheryl Farr Leas may live on the mainland, but she’s a Hawaii girl at heart. She fell in love with Diamond Head, aloha wear, and mai tais in 1994 and has had trouble staying away ever since. Whenever she’s not in the islands, she and her husband, Rob, make their home in Phoenix, Arizona, where they love to hike the desert mountains with their German Shepherd, Caleb.Before embarking on a writing career, Cheryl served as senior editor at Macmillan Travel (now Wiley), where she edited the Frommer’s Hawaii travel guides for the better part of the 1990s. John Rosenthal is a Contributing Editor at National Geographic Traveler and has written about destinations around the globe for publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, Conde Nast Traveler, and the San Francisco Chronicle. He’s also a regular contributor to Bing Travel. He makes his home in Santa Monica, California, but regularly requires a good dose of Hawaii whenever the Los Angeles traffic gets to be too much.

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