Amanda Rosenzweig

Amanda Rosenzweig, PhD, is the Assistant Dean of STEM at Delgado Community College, Canvas administrator, a meritorious professor of biology, and the director of Science Teacher Technology Training. She also created Teach and Learn/eProfessor, a multi-course series that focuses on online course development.

Articles From Amanda Rosenzweig

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Creating eCourses For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 04-12-2024

The great thing about the internet is that information is everywhere, but there is so much of it that sifting through it all can be overwhelming. This is why an eCourse, or online course, is appealing to so many people who want to learn. An eCourse is taught over the internet, usually via a learning management system (LMS). The LMS is the storage unit for content, assessments, course documents, communication tools, and more.

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